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Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24.

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Presentation on theme: "Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Recognition and Validation of prior learning A new role for guidance

2 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Background of the project Leonardo project: AEFP/EVTA Coordination IEFP Development of a Common Model for the Recognition and/or the Certification of Competences acquired in a non formal way

3 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Common Model CANDIDATE + ADVISOR CANDIDATE + ASSESORS COMPETENCE ASSESSMENT/ CAREER ADVICE PREPARATION/ TRAINING COMPETENCE PORTFOLIO EVALUATION - CERTIFICATION

4 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 EVTA Working Group APL Recognition & validation of prior learning

5 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Standard process flow APLActors Phase 1 Information stage Advisor Phase 2 Composition of portfolio Advisor Phase 3 Assessment Assessor Phase 4 Certification Accreditation body Phase 5 Follow-up Advisor

6 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Information stage 1.Inform potential candidate about the opportunity to undergo an APL procedure 2.Explain the procedure to the candidate

7 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Composition of portfolio Inventory and translation of work- learning and other experiences into competencies Gathering and inventory of evidence First impression of portfolio: benchmarking with competency (job) profile.

8 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Follow-up Help candidate draw up a personal development plan Inform the candidate about possible training

9 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Conclusion The role of guidance in the field of recognition and validation of prior learning is very specific, and is different from the role of assessor

10 Vectors to Innovation : Bringing the spirit of Leonardo back to Leonardo Vecteurs pour lInnovation : Rendre à Leonardo lesprit de Leonardo Budapest 24 - 25/02/2005 Reference Guide for APL advisors and guidance process 1.The APL-process: the advisors roles in the process 2.Competency profile of the advisor 3.Job requirements for selection and recruitment 4.Training programme for advisors 5.Methods and tools 6.Code of conduct (deontology)

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