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7.6 Right Triangles. Ex 1) Solve the right triangle that has c = 33 and B = 22  B A Sketch the  A, B, C = angles a, b, c = sides (opp the  ) C All.

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Presentation on theme: "7.6 Right Triangles. Ex 1) Solve the right triangle that has c = 33 and B = 22  B A Sketch the  A, B, C = angles a, b, c = sides (opp the  ) C All."— Presentation transcript:

1 7.6 Right Triangles

2 Ex 1) Solve the right triangle that has c = 33 and B = 22  B A Sketch the  A, B, C = angles a, b, c = sides (opp the  ) C All 3  ’s All 3 sides b a c 22  = 33  ’s in a  add to 180 

3 Ex 1) Solve the right triangle that has c = 33 and B = 22  B A C All 3  ’s All 3 sides b a c 22  Use trig functions to find sides = 33 SOH CAH TOA 68 

4 Example 2 A guy wire on vert. utility pole is anchored at a point on level ground 18 feet from the base of the pole. If the wire makes an angle of 63  with ground, how long is the wire? x 63  18 Know adj side Need hypotenuse CAH

5 Angles of Elevation & Depression Line of sight horizontal Observer Angle of elevation Object Line of sight horizontal Observer Angle of depression Object

6 Parallel Lines Two Parallel Lines alternate interior angles are congruent cut by transversal

7 Example 3 From the top of a tower 300 feet high, the angle of depression of a rock is 35.7  Find the distance from base of tower to rock. 300 x rock 35.7  Know opp side Need adj side 35.7  TOA

8 Homework #718 Pg. 427 1 – 29 eoo, 33 – 41 odd

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