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Life Cycle of the Butterfly Activities created by Christy McBee Smith, Gordon County Public Schools, 2006 PowerPoint created by GDOE/Division of Exceptional.

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Presentation on theme: "Life Cycle of the Butterfly Activities created by Christy McBee Smith, Gordon County Public Schools, 2006 PowerPoint created by GDOE/Division of Exceptional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life Cycle of the Butterfly Activities created by Christy McBee Smith, Gordon County Public Schools, 2006 PowerPoint created by GDOE/Division of Exceptional Students GPS Standards Addressed: S2L1 – Students will investigate the life cycles of different living organisms. a. Determine the sequence of the life cycle of common animals in your area: a mammal such as a cat or dog or classroom pet, a bird such as a chicken, an amphibian such as a frog, and an insect such as a butterfly. S2CS4 – Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters.. b. Use a model – such as a toy or a picture – to describe a feature of the primary thing. S2CS5 – Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. b. Draw pictures (grade level appropriate) that correctly portray features of the thing being described.

2 Stepwise Instructional Task Worksheet Early Elementary Science Life Science: Life Cycle of the Butterfly

3 Step 1 – The tiny white egg. A female butterfly lays a tiny white egg. The egg hatches into a caterpillar.

4 The caterpillar eats and eats. It grows big. Step 2 – The caterpillar.

5 The caterpillar crawls on a tree branch or under a leaf.

6 The caterpillar changes. It becomes a chrysalis (or pupa). Step 3 – The chrysalis.

7 Step 4 – The butterfly. Soon a butterfly comes out of the chrysalis.

8 Butterflies fly free!

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