SAFETYCHECK Eric Hatch | David Allen |Bailee Lucas| Austin Rhodes.

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Presentation on theme: "SAFETYCHECK Eric Hatch | David Allen |Bailee Lucas| Austin Rhodes."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAFETYCHECK Eric Hatch | David Allen |Bailee Lucas| Austin Rhodes

2 SECURITY PROBLEM New vulnerabilities are discovered everyday in tools used by Android Apps. Users don’t know about or understand latest vulnerabilities.

3 SECURITY PROBLEM Google play store doesn’t check for known vulnerabilities in source code.

4 SECURITY PROBLEM Users are left to trust developers that their apps are safe. Often developers are unaware of vulnerabilities in there app.


6 SOLUTION Two parts: SafetyCheck PlayDrone

7 PLAYDRONE -Scans source code of apps on the Google play store. -Detects vulnerabilities. -Stores results in database.

8 SAFETYCHECK End User Android App. SafetyCheck will warn users of apps that contain vulnerabilities. Uses data collected via PlayDrone

9 IMPACT OF SOLUTION Users are better informed about apps on their phone. Users can now make a more educated decision about what apps to install.

10 IMPACT OF SOLUTION CONT. Increase motivation for developers to produce patches

11 CHALLENGES 1.Obtaining PlayDrone technology 2.Finding a way to coexist with Google’s Play Store restrictions 3.Keeping the database updated for: App updates New vulnerabilities

12 RECAP 1.Non-malicious apps can unintentionally contain security vulnerabilities 2.There exists a technology, PlayDrone, to scan for these vulnerabilities 3.Our solution informs end-users of these potential vulnerabilities


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