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Dynamic-CBT Better Performing Active Queue Management for Multimedia Networking Jae Chung and Mark Claypool Computer Science Department Worcester Polytechnic.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic-CBT Better Performing Active Queue Management for Multimedia Networking Jae Chung and Mark Claypool Computer Science Department Worcester Polytechnic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic-CBT Better Performing Active Queue Management for Multimedia Networking Jae Chung and Mark Claypool Computer Science Department Worcester Polytechnic Institute Worcester, Massachusetts, USA

2 Outline  Introduction  CBT  D-CBT  Evaluation  Issues

3 Internet Routers Today n Volume of traffic increasing n More simultaneous active flows n Increase in multimedia flows –Tight timing constraints –Different flow-control mechanism than TCP n Emphasis on Congestion Control and Fairness among active flows

4 Current Router Queue Mgmt Drop Tail (FIFO) Resource Reservation... (Lin, Morris ‘97) Congestion handling? Fairness (tcp, other)? Support QoS? FRED Active Queue Mgmt... Class-Based Threshold (CBT) Class-Based Threshold (CBT) ( Floyd, Jacobson ‘95) CBQ ( Floyd, Jacobson ‘93) RED (Parris, Jeffay, Smith ‘99)

5 CBT Design

6 CBT - Pros and Cons n Pros: RED + Class-Based Isolation –Early congestion notification –Protect TCP and protect Tagged UDP (MM) –Different classes of flows coexist with predefined fairness n Cons: CBQ function w/o admission control – Fairness for changing traffic mixes – Utilization on outgoing link – Changes “Best-Effort” nature of Internet

7 Dynamic-CBT (D-CBT) Drop Tail (FIFO) Resource Reservation... CBQ RED FRED Active Queue Mgmt... Class-Based Threshold (CBT) Class-Based Threshold (CBT) Dynamic-CBT

8 D-CBT Design RED TCP Untagged UDP Tagged UDP (MM) Calc Thrsh Thrsh * Test Calc Thrsh Thrsh * Test Early Drop Test Queue Manager * Threshold Test is activated when red_avg > red_min Classify Count Active Flows In Each Class Update Class Avgs & RED Avg

9 Evaluation using NS n Developed a flow-controlled Multimedia Application (for tagged UDP class) –AIMD Media Scaling (5 discrete rates) –“MPEG-1 like” transmission rates n Implemented and validated CBT n Implemented D-CBT and measured congestion time fairness –RED vs. CBT vs. D-CBT

10 Simulation (RED, CBT, D-CBT) 0102030 25 FTP-TCP 30 FTP-TCP 2 CBR-UDP (5Mbps each) 10 MM-UDP s1 n1 s2 s66 s67 n2 r2 r66 r67 25Mbps, 20ms 25Mbps, 5ms n1-n2: q_size = 60 RED: max_th = 15 min_th = 5 qweight = 0.002 max_prb = 0.1 CBT: mmu_th = 2.9 udp_th = 0.6 Second

11 Fairness: RED

12 Fairness: CBT

13 Fairness: D-CBT

14 D-CBT Issues n Tagging UDP packets –Who tags packets? (End Host? ISP?) –Which field of IP header to use? IPv4: Unused Bit in Type-Of-Service Field IPv4: Another Protocol in Protocol Field IPv6: Use Priority Field n Define a flow –IPv4: Source-Destination Address –IPv6: Plus Flow-ID

15 D-CBT Issues n Active Flow Counting (Overhead) –For every incoming packet, insert or update info and update count Hash Table - O(1) –Every  ms, delete old flows and update count Hash Table - O(n) –Measure Active Flow Counting overheads: Linux implementation Processing Time and Memory Usage

16 D-CBT Issues n Test D-CBT with other (available) flow- controlled MM Applications –Effect of the thresholds on MM quality n Sensitivity of D-CBT to RED parameters n How many different classes are needed? –Example 1 class is RED 1 class per flow is FRED –Overhead per class

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