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Do you like travelling? Lesson 1. What are your travel habits?

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Presentation on theme: "Do you like travelling? Lesson 1. What are your travel habits?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do you like travelling? Lesson 1. What are your travel habits?


3 Remember new words! an agency an agent accommodation an excursion a guided coach tour on one’s own a destination a resort a trip a holidaymaker to afford - позволить abroad – за границей attractions – интересные места

4 The 7 th of November Lesson 2. What are your travel habits?

5 Translate the word combinations into English! любимое место назначения путешествовать самостоятельно тур «всё включено» включать билеты, проживание и питание позволить себе отдых за границей Тур.агенты предлагают экскурсионные поездки на автобусе. Британцы предпочитают отдых на морском курорте.

6 And what about Russians? 1.Russian tourists prefer to spend their holidays in…/at… 2.Their favourite destinations are… Turkey Greece Spain

7 Синквейн Travelling 3 verbs 2 adjectives 1 proverb 3 nouns

8 Proverbs about travelling East or West, home is best. Travel is the only thing you buy, that makes you richer. Travel broadens the mind.

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