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Forming the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge Sunset Dave Mason District Conference April 18, 2009 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Forming the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge Sunset Dave Mason District Conference April 18, 2009 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forming the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge Sunset Dave Mason District Conference April 18, 2009 1

2 I’ll Briefly Describe The type of Rotary Club A chronology of the Club formation Suggestions for success 2

3 The Oak Ridge Sunset Rotary Club Is probably unique in our District in that: We do not have a “sit-down” meal Each week, two members collaborate to bring refreshments We serve wine – along with soft drinks 3

4 This Format Encourages fellowship as folks mingle about the refreshment tables Allows members to get home for dinner with their families Provides a wide variety of refreshments 4

5 Chronology of Formation 3/7 Meeting with Bill Sergeant, Bill Martin, Bob Craig, and Jack Bailey of the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge 3/8 I decided to target younger members, especially children of Rotarians 3/11 The Board voted to sponsor a new club, with no more than 4 members moving over 3/20 The Club voted to sponsor a new club 5

6 Chronology Continued 4/14 Contacted 51 potential members; 37 said they could come to an information meeting 4/18 First meeting – 24 attended. - 4 active and 3 former Rotarians - 5 have/had parents active in Rotary - 1 had been selected an Ambassadorial Scholar Discussed polio eradication and what it means to be a Rotarian 6

7 Chronology Continued 5/3 Seven ad hoc committees – each led by a Rotarian - Meeting arrangements - Nominations - Programs - Constitution, By-laws - Projects - Dues & Rotary Foundation - Goals & Objectives 7

8 Chronology Continued 6/16 Met, with 28 folks, to elect officers and Board members, adopt the Constitution and By-laws, and to accept the other ad hoc committee reports 6/30 First regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Oak Ridge Sunset – 25 members 9/22 Charter night 8

9 Ten Suggestions for Success 1. Strong support from the sponsoring club 2. Follow the Club Leadership Plan & Organizing New Clubs (808-EN) 3. Have at least two experienced Rotarians willing to undertake the challenge 4. Keep the total cost to the members as low as possible 5. Stress polio eradication 9

10 Ten Suggestions Continued 6. Make judicious use of young members’ time: - Begin and end club meetings on time - Constrain Board & committee meetings to an hour - Minimize activities during normal work hours 7. Have only a few, well-defined goals/objectives 10

11 Ten Suggestions Continued 8. Plan & execute a project as soon as possible 9. Repeatedly tell members and prospective members that Rotary means service, time, responsibility, and a little money 10. Give every member a responsibility immediately 11

12 Sunset Club Goals/Objectives Keep the Club going for the 1 st year Every member serves at least one function Maintain 80% attendance Increase membership to 44 Execute at least one project Add two new Paul Harris Fellows Three sustaining Paul Harris Fellows 12

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