Vocabulary Review Ch 42 - Birds. In birds, the fused pair of collar bones; commonly called the wishbone Furcula.

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1 Vocabulary Review Ch 42 - Birds

2 In birds, the fused pair of collar bones; commonly called the wishbone Furcula

3 In birds, a modified scale that provides lift for flight and conserves body heat Feather

4 A small, narrow cavity or sac in an organ or tissue, such as the ones on the skin that contain hair roots or the ones in the ovaries that contain the developing eggs Follicle

5 The part of the feather that emerges from the follicle; two vanes develop on opposite sides of the shaft Shaft

6 Each side of the feather, composed of many branches called barbs Vane

7 Branches of the vanes of the feather Barb

8 Projections of the barbs, equipped with microscopic hooks that interlock and give the feather its sturdy but flexible shape Barbule

9 In birds, a special gland that secretes oil that a bird spreads over its feathers to clean and waterproof them Preen gland

10 In birds, the large, keel-shaped pectoral bone to which flight muscles attach; commonly called the breastbone Sternum

11 In birds, the fused terminal vertebrae of the spine; supports the tail feathers Pygostyle

12 In the digestive systems of birds and some invertebrates, a sac or pouch that temporarily stores food Crop

13 The first of the two chambers in the stomach of a bird Proventriculus

14 An muscular region of the digestive tract in birds that grinds and softens food Gizzard

15 A duct through which sperm move from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct at the base of the penis (plural, vas deferentia) Vas deferens

16 The tube that leads from an ovary to the uterus Oviduct

17 On the abdomen of birds, a thickened, featherless patch of skin that is used for incubating eggs Brood patch

18 Describes a species of birds or mammals whose young are born at a advanced stage of development, with open eyes and the ability to walk and run almost immediately Precocial

19 Describes organisms that are not very developed when born and that require care or nursing Altricial

20 A person who specializes in the scientific study of birds Ornithologist

21 The sound-producing organ of birds Syrinx

22 A nutritious milk-like fluid secreted by the crop of pigeons and doves to fee their young Crop milk

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