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Synthesis of a Coordination Compound

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1 Synthesis of a Coordination Compound

2 Procedure In this experiment, you will prepare the coordination compound potassium trioxalatoferrate (III) trihydrate from potassium oxalate hydrate and ferric chloride

3 Procedure Weigh and record the mass of a 150 mL beaker
Weigh about 12 g and record the mass (0.00X g) Add 20 mL distilled H2O (use a graduated cylinder) and place the beaker onto a hot plate, warm gently(dial on less than 3), stirring the solution until it is dissolved CAREFULLY remove the beaker from the heat Add 8 mL Ferric Chloride to the beaker with the hot solution (record the molarity of the FeCl3), stir well, cool to 0ºC in an ice bath until it crystallizes (FeCl3 in hood) Label your beaker, sticker + sharpie in front desk Decant (or pour off) the solution, keeping the solid in the beaker

4 Procedure Add 20 mL warm distilled H2O to the solid, stir to dissolve
Note that NO methanol was used Cool solution to 0°C for re-crystallization Collect the product via vacuum filtration Put filter paper on before vacuuming Interrupt the suction, pouring a few mL of ice cold distilled H2O on the product, stirring slightly Spread the crystals onto a paper towel and allow to dry for at least 20 min Weigh your product after in a beaker Dispose green crystals in waste jar in back of hood

5 Finally… Weigh your product
Remember the equation for this reaction is (p116): Molecular weights can be found online Use the mass data to calculate actual yield and percent yield

6 Due by end of lab Pre-lab for coordination compound
Complete data tables and calculations as per the blue lab notebook (page 120) – determine the experimental yield and percent yield Enter lab data in computer

7 Due next week Pre-lab and quiz zinc iodide/empirical formula
Do a histogram on % yield distribution of class ofr the coordination compound Short 1 paragraph summary (1 page or less) analyzing the histogram and class data Look at excel cliff notes on how to do a histogram

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