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U.S. Sheep and Goat Breeds. World Sheep Breeds Breeds of Sheep –235 breeds world wide.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Sheep and Goat Breeds. World Sheep Breeds Breeds of Sheep –235 breeds world wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Sheep and Goat Breeds

2 World Sheep Breeds Breeds of Sheep –235 breeds world wide

3 US Sheep Breeds Meat Breeds Ewe Breeds Dual Purpose Breeds Wool Breeds Hair Breeds Five Classifications - 26 – 30 Breeds in US - Only 8- 10 Industry Impact

4 Meat Breeds Developed: –Suffolk county England Characteristics: –Black head and legs (Free of any wool) –Largest breed of sheep Rams up to 350 lbs Ewe up to 250 lbs Noted For: –Rapid growth rates, and carcass traits Suffolk

5 zOrigin: England zBlack face zMeat type zLarge frame/growth z# 1 ram breed Suffolk



8 Meat Breeds Developed: –Hampshire county England Characteristics: –Black head and legs with wool on them –Rams can weigh up to 325 –Ewes can weigh up to 225 lbs Noted For: Fast rates of growth and excellent muscling Hampshire

9 zOrigin: England zBlack face zMeat type zExcellent carcass zMedium wool z# 2 Ram breed Hampshire


11 Meat Breeds Developed: –Hampshire county England Characteristics: –Mouse colored muzzle and legs with wool on legs –Smaller sized –Rams can weigh up to 200 –Ewes can weigh up to 150 lbs Noted For: Calm docile sheep, gained popularity due to size for young exhibitors Southdowns

12 zOrigin: England zBase of all meat breeds zMedium wool zEarly maturing zMuscular, light weight carcasses Southdown


14 Ewe Breed / Wool Breed Developed: –Spain Characteristics: –White points, long fleece –Rams 220 lbs, Ewes 150 lbs Noted For: –Highest Quality fleece, up to 14 lbs –Finest Fleece –Maternal Strengths Merino

15 zOrigin: Spain zWhite face zGregarious zFine wool zRams = horned zEwes = polled zWool on shanks zWool blindness Merino


17 Ewe Breed / Wool Breed Developed: –In France from Merino Characteristics: –White with long wool –Ram 300 lbs, ewe 250 lbs Noted For: Excellent mothering Hardiness – Western Breed Quality wool, Heavy fleece up to 18 lbs Rambouillet

18 zOrigin: France zWhite face zGregarious zFine wool zRams = horned zEwes = polled zPredominant fine wool breed in U.S. Rambouillet


20 Ewe Breeds Developed: –Finland Characteristics: –Fine boned –Small breed, Rams 175 lbs – slow growers –Light muscled Noted For: –Multiple Births –Used best in crossbreeding Finnsheep

21 zOrigin: Finland zSmall frame zFine bone zHighly prolific zHardy zStrong maternal instincts zLean carcasses Finnsheep


23 Dual Purpose Breeds Developed: –First breed developed in the US –Univ of Wyoming –Western Range –Rambioullet X Lincoln (meat) Characteristics: –Large Sheep Rams Rams 300 lbs Ewes 225 lbs Noted For: –Mothering Characteristics –Good Carcasses Columbia

24 zOrigin: U.S. zCross of Lincoln & Rambouillet zMeat and wool type zLarge frame/growth zGood mothers Columbia


26 Dual Purpose Breeds Developed: –England Characteristics: –White face – horned and polled –Smaller meatier sheep Rams 250 lbs, Ewes 175 lbs Noted For: –Breeds out of season –Excellent mothering –Excellent carcass –“ True Dual Purpose Breed” Dorset

27 zOrigin: England zPolled or horned zUS type is polled zBreed out of season zExcellent conformation zProlific zHeavy Milkers zWool down legs Dorset


29 Dual Purpose Breeds Developed: –1960’s –Dubios, ID Characteristics: –White smaller ears open face –Rams 200 lbs –Ewes 150 lbs Noted For: –Prolificacy –Lamb more than once per year –Good growth and carcass Polypay

30 zOrigin: U.S. z4 way cross yDorset yTarghee yRambouillet yFinnsheep zVery prolific zExtended breeding season zVariation Polypay



33 Hair Breeds Developed: –South Africa –Meat breed that is heat tolerant Characteristics: –No wool or very little –Medium size Rams 200 lbs Ewe 150 lbs Noted For: –Meat and reproductive traits –No shearing Dorper

34 Developed Black Headed Persian South African Breed Dorset English Breed

35 Wiltshire Horn Katahdin Dorper

36 Royal White/Hair Breed –Weights: Rams 185-250+ Ewes 145-185+ –Resulted from: St. Croix and White Dorper cross

37 zOrigin: U.S. zHair sheep zAdaptability & Hardiness zEasy lambers & maternal instincts zExtended breeding season zOuter coat –long hair zInner coat – wool zHand spinning, carpets Navajo-Churro

38 zOrigin: U.S. zCross of Columbia & Rambouillet zMeat and wool zLarge frame zExtra wrinkles zPredominantly in inter-mountain states Other Breeds: Targhee

39 zOrigin: Russia zBraid Breed zEasy lambers & maternal instincts zExtended breeding season zLambs “Persian lamb fur” Karakul

40 zOrigin: West Africa zHair breed zOut of season breeder zTropical Barbados

41 Goat Breeds Hair, Meat and Dairy Types

42 zOrigin: Angora zMohair Production zSheared twice/year zHorned zSmall Frame zRequire extra management at Kidding Angora

43 zOrigin: South Africa zMeat Type zHorned zEarly Puberty zExtended Breeding Season zHeavy Muscle Boer

44 zOrigin: U.S. (1500’s) zSmall/ Agile zHardy zSmall Udders zGood foragers Spanish

45 zOrigin: New Zealand zHorned zTwinning zIncreased growth Kiko

46 zOrigin: French Alps zDairy type zHardy zColors: yWhite yFawn yGrey yBlack brown Alpine

47 zOrigin:Oregon zShort Ears zDairy Type Lamancha

48 zOrigin: England zDual purpose zVery popular cross with meat type goats zLarge frame zExtended breeding season zAdapts to hot environment Nubian

49 zOrigin: Switzerland zOldest known dairy breed zMedium frame size zDark color with white ears and white stripes down face. zExcellent udder quality zBest suited for cool climates Toggenburg

50 zOrigin: Switzerland zHeavy milkers zWhite color zSensitive to excessive sunlight and hot climates Saanen

51 END

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