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Wazz goin On?  Final Schedule Wed 1/12 – Thur 1/13 - Fri 1/14 –  Your final is.

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2 Wazz goin On?  Final Schedule Wed 1/12 – Thur 1/13 - Fri 1/14 –  Your final is

3 The Final  10% of your grade  100 questions 38 matching 62 multiple choice

4 Wazz goin On?  Final Schedule Wed 1/12 – Thur 1/13 - Fri 1/14 –  Your final is

5 The Final  10% of your grade  110 questions all multiple choice

6  27 This Week  24, 26, & 27 on final  Reading quiz tomorrow 608-620

7 Before the Settl ers

8 Native Americans  360,000 in 1860 buffalo - horse -  1.  2. white settlers  spread -  destroy –  increases -

9 Settlers Arrive

10 Treaty System Develops  goal –  ___________ for _____________  Treaty of Ft. Laramie (1851) –  system doesn’t work  1.  2.

11 The Indian Wars 1860-1890  atrocities on both sides ’64 - Sand Creek Massacre – ’66 - Fetterman Massacre –  1874, Black Hills -  Col. George A. Custer sent to -  Sitting Bull’s Sioux ambush  1876 - Battle of Little Bighorn result -

12 Today is a good day to die

13 In the NW and South (602)  1877 - Gold Discovered on Nez Perce reservation  US Gov. reduces Nez Perce’s territory by 90%  Chief Joseph leads march to meet with Sitting Bull forced to surrender (602)  The Apache in the Southwest most difficult tribes to subdue Geronimo  finally suppressed in 1886

14 Tomorrow! INFLATION / DEFLATION ELIMINATION !!!!  How affected by the money supply  What happens to prices  What debtors want  What creditors want

15  railroad, disease, “fire water” & dead buffalo -  Helen Hunt Jackson – A Century of Dishonor (1881) -  Dawes Severalty Act (1887) –  The Carlisle School –  assimilation – “ “ -  The Ghost Dance –  kill Sitting Bull -  The “Battle” of Wounded Knee (1890) –

16  59ers –  Texas Longhorns! - “the Long Drive”-  _____ ____ (Glidden) –

17 The Homestead Act (1862)  purpose -  160 acres free if –  or.. problems  1-  2-

18 Plans after High School?  Become a Homesteader!  Dum diddee dum diddee dum didee DUM DUM... Dum diddee dum diddee dum didee dum diddee DUM diddee DUM DUM DUM... Dum diddee dum diddee dum didee DUM DUM... Dum diddee dum diddee dum didee dum diddee DUM diddee DUM DUM DUM...

19 Farming the West  the iron & steel plow allow –  “sodbusters” –  “dry-farming”, tougher strains of wheat, and irrigation projects allow – (612)  1889 – “sooners” -

20 The Closing of the Frontier  1890 – Frederick Jackson Turner's "Frontier Thesis"  The Significance of the Frontier in American History (1893)  argued - "safety valve“ theory – realistic? -

21 During a period of Deflation  money supply goes ______  prices go ______  each dollar buys ______ stuff  profit for farmers goes ______  workers wages go _______  paying off an old debt ___ difficult

22 During a period of Inflation  money supply goes ______  prices go ______  each dollar buys ______ stuff  profit for farmers goes ______  workers wages go_______  paying off an old debt ___ difficult

23 Mechanization of Farming  specialize in single cash crops  new, expensive “combines” results in:  “bonanza farms” -  decrease in -

24 Challenges Farmers Faced  one crop dependency -  low prices, due to -  high interest rates  more tenant farming exploited by:  equipment manufacturers  railroads  banks

25 And if That’s Not bad Enough!  Floods!  Droughts!  Grasshoppers!  Boll-Weevils!

26 farmers get organized  The Greenback Labor Party -  Oliver Kelley and The Grange -  The Farmers Alliances -  FA: formed co-ops Fought for –Nationalized railroads –Graduated income tax  Mary Elizabeth Lease –  Long Term Impact =


28 Stuff to know from Ch.26  Booker T. Washington - Tuskegee Institute - “accomodationism” –  W.E.B. Du Bois - NAACP – “immediate equality” - “talented tenth” -

29 Women in Late 19 th Century  “settlement houses” - Jane Addams – Hull House  Charlotte Perkins Gilman Women and Economics -  Ida B. Wells -  Women’s Christian Temperance Union - Carrie A. Nation -

30 Early Suffragettes  NAWSA –  Elizabeth Cady Stanton -  Susan B. Anthony -  Carrie Chapman Catt –

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