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Date: in 12 pts International opportunities for Higher Education.

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1 Date: in 12 pts International opportunities for Higher Education

2 Date: in 12 pts 1 Learning Mobility 2 Cooperation 3 Policy support 2007-20132014-2020 + Specific activities Jean Monnet Sport Erasmus+ Erasmus Grundtvig Leonardo Comenius Youth in Action Erasmus Mundus Tempus Alfa Edulink Towards a single integrated system

3 Date: in 12 pts Education and Culture … in other words STUDYING & LEARNING ABROAD Key Action 1 International credit mobility Degree mobility/ joint Master degrees

4 Date: in 12 pts  All levels: Bachelor, Master, PhD & all disciplines  3-12 months for studies  ≤12 months /study cycle /student  Staff Mobility Credit Mobility

5 Date: in 12 pts  140,000 student & staff exchanges with Partner countries Credit Mobility  30,000 students  New joint Masters added every year Degree mobility

6 Date: in 12 pts  WHY?  HOW?  WHAT?  WHEN?  WHY?  HOW?  WHAT?  WHEN? Key Action 2  1000 Capacity Building Projects  20,000 Strategic Partnerships  150 Knowledge Alliances Cooperation in Higher Education

7 Date: in 12 pts Joint Projects New curricula & degrees, learning & teaching methodologies, staff development, QA, governance, Structural Projects Reforms at national level w/ Partner Country authorities policy modernisation, governance & management of higher education systems Capacity Building

8 Date: in 12 pts Jean Monnet will support 400 teaching posts and 600 short courses globally Over 100 Centres of Excellence around the world Jean Monnet

9 Date: in 12 pts Innovative PhD Training Individual postdoc fellowships Research staff exchange Cofunding of national & international research training programmes Marie Skłodowska-Curie

10 Date: in 12 pts FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT Questions:

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