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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy

2 Final Jeopardy Question
Water #1 Weathering #2 Erosion #3 Glaciers & Wind #4 Oceans #5 History #6 500 500 500 500 500 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 300 300 300 300 300 300 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 Final Jeopardy Question

3 Category 1 500 pts What are the six processes that make up the water cycle? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Precipitation Evaporation Condensation Transpiration Runoff Groundwater flow Back

4 Category 1 400 pts What is the permeable layer of rock that is saturated with water? aquifer Back

5 Category 1 300 pts Where is most of Earth’s liquid fresh water found?
groundwater Back

6 Category 1 200 pts In the water cycle, the process that changes a liquid into a gas is called _____________. evaporation Back

7 Category 1 100 pts What is the land area that contributes to a river system called? Watershed Back

8 Category 2 500 pts Compare and contrast weathering and erosion
Weathering breaks down or chemically alters rocks, while erosion wears down and carries away rock and soil. Weathering contributes to erosion. Back

9 Category 2 400 pts List at least five agents of erosion.
The answer can be any five of the following: Wind, glaciers, gravity, groundwater, waves, streams, and weather Back

10 Category 2 300 pts 1. A rapid mass movement of large amounts of rock is called ____________. 2. Tilted telephone poles and fences curving in a downward direction on a hillside are evidence of _____________. landslide creep Back

11 Category 2 200 pts What is wearing down and carrying away of rock and soil through the force of gravity, wind and water called? erosion What rock types and conditions are ideal for chemical weather? Limestone in a hot and rainy area Back

12 Category 2 100 pts Rainwater, oxidation and carbonic acid are agents of _______________ __________, Chemical weathering Back

13 Category 3 500 pts What are three common features of fast-moving streams in mountainous areas? Water Falls Rapids V-Shaped Valleys Back

14 Category 3 400 pts What are two common features of formed by deposition that are often found in caves? Stalactites and stalagmites Back

15 Category 3 300 pts What determines a stream’s ability to cause erosion? Its speed What causes meanders, V-shaped valleys, and oxbow lakes to form? Surface water erosion Back

16 Category 3 200 pts What feature is formed by sediment deposited when a stream flows into a lake? delta What is the portion of a stream that flows through gently sloping flood plains? Meanders and oxbow lakes Back

17 Category 3 100 pts Groundwater forms caves and sinkholes by the process of _______________ Chemical weathering Caves are formed by erosion from _____________ groundwater Back

18 Category 4 500 pts Describe three ways that wind erosion moves sediment. Fine Particles are suspended in the air and blown by the wind. Larger particles bounce along the ground by saltation The largest particles are pushed along the ground by the wind. Back

19 Category 4 400 pts What is the pyramid-shaped glacial formation that is a combination of several connected ridges called? A horn Back

20 Category 4 300 pts A mound of sediment formed at the downhill end of a glacier and along its sides is called _____________. moraine Back

21 Deflation and abrasion
Category 4 200 pts Wind erodes the land by these two processes. Deflation and abrasion Back

22 Category 4 100 pts Deposits formed from windblown sand are called ___________. dunes Back

23 Category 5 500 pts Describe the changes in amount of light, temperature, and pressure as depth in the ocean increases. Light decreases Temperature decreases Pressure increases Back

24 Category 5 400 pts Why do most ocean organisms live about a water depth of 500 meters? Pressure below that depth is too great Back

25 Category 5 300 pts Deep currents in the ocean are caused by _____________________________. Density differences of ocean water. What type of ocean current brings cold water from the deep ocean to the surface? upwelling Back

26 Category 5 200 pts What is the process that moves sand along a shore?
Longshore drift Back

27 Category 5 100 pts What is an example of a feature caused by wave erosion? Sea stack Back

28 Category 6 500 pts What are the four largest divisions of the geologic time scale? Precambrian time Paleozoic Era Mesozoic Era Cenozoic Era Back

29 Category 6 400 pts DAILY DOUBLE
What three methods can be used to compare the age of sedimentary rock layers? Radioactive isotopes Index fossils Relative dating Back

30 Category 6 300 pts By what method can the absolute age of an igneous rock be determined? Radioactive isotopes Back

31 Category 6 200 pts From which Era are the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods? Mesozoic Era Back

32 Category 6 100 pts During which Era did the first land plants and animals appear in the fossil record? Paleozoic Era Back

33 Final Jeopardy This question is about the water cycle. Write down the number of points that you want to risk. Label the six processes that correspond to the letters in the next diagram. Go To Diagram Back

precipitation transpiration evaporation Groundwater Runoff CLICK ON EACH LETTER TO REVEAL THE ANSWERS BACK

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