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Speech Analysis. j6LA Was this a good speech?

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Presentation on theme: "Speech Analysis. j6LA Was this a good speech?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Speech Analysis

2 j6LA Was this a good speech?

3  What was the speech about?  When did you figure this out?  What was the purpose of the speech  Inform  Did you learn something?  Persuade  Did it persuade you the way that the speaker intended?  Did it persuade you another way?

4  Did the speaker show credibility?  The emotional listener  Stories/ illustrations  Examples  The fact finder  Data  Trends  Specific information  Reveal his/ her sources  Quotes

5  Was the speech easy to follow?  Were topics organized well?  Transitions?

6 Know Your Audience  Who is the intended audience?  Educational level  Experts/ novices  How intimate is the space?  Talking to thousands/ tens?  Volume/ tone?  Is the speaker altering the speech appropriately for the audience?

7 Delivery  Volume  Is volume just a way to be heard?  Is volume used to stress certain ideas?  Articulation  Mumbling?  Emphasis?  Is the delivery memorable? Why?  Is it appropriate?

8 Physical Presentation  Visual Aides  Are there any graphs/ charts/ pictures?  Are they necessary?  Do they aid understanding?  Is the speaker too reliant on them?  Do they enhance the overall presentation?  Movements  Does the speaker move?  Is it purposeful?  Is it distracting? Helpful?  Is it appropriate?

9 Organize the Paper- Introduction  Hook  Who gave the speech  Where/ When it was given  Any necessary background info  The purpose of the speech  Includes a thesis  Whether or not the speech was a success  Your basis for analysis

10 Organize the Paper- Body  Each paragraph should have a purpose (topic)  Consider  Research  Audience awareness  organization  Delivery  Physical Presentation  How did each of these contribute to the in/effectiveness of the speech?  Use specific examples to support everything  Transition smoothly to the next topic

11 Organize the Paper- Conclusion  Remind the audience of the major points  Remind the audience of your thesis  Final statement

12 Citations  If you get the speech from a website, cite it as a website.  MLA Documentation  If you see a speech, take specific notes and document it as a speech.

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