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MATLAB Applications By: Ramy Yousry.

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Presentation on theme: "MATLAB Applications By: Ramy Yousry."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATLAB Applications By: Ramy Yousry

2 Outline Design/Implementation Flow
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges Behavioral Design With Simulink Application Examples

3 Outline Design/Implementation Flow
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges Behavioral Design With Simulink Application Examples

4 Design/Implementation Flow
Design flow is a Top-down process: System → Blocks → Sub-blocks … Implementation Flow is Bottom-up process: Transistor → Gate → Block …

5 Design/Implementation Flow
Design Flow

6 Design/Implementation Flow

7 Outline Design/Implementation Flow
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges Behavioral Design With Simulink Application Examples

8 Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges
Increasing complexity Analog/Mixed-Signal products Wireless, Broadband, Audio, Computer, Peripherals Time-to-market pressure Design verification occurs too late High risk of design failure and time-to-market delays

9 Design Flow Problem Spice-like tools use for design and simulations
Slow to develop with Slow too simulate Poor choice for high-level architectural decisions and trade-offs Leading to: Design flaws detected late Design failure risk too high Component Specifications Circuit and Physical Tools A/M-S Hardware

10 MATLAB High level interpreted language Math, linear algebra
Graphics, GUI’s Programming The standard for signal processing Most text books include MATLAB code Modularity

11 Toolboxes Filter design Communications Control System Design
Signal Processing Statistics Optimization

12 MATLAB and SPICE Features
small circuits small to very large circuits Type of Circuit For Analysis Yes Frequency Response No Inclusion of Device Model in Software Package

13 Continue Yes No Determination and plot of poles and Zeros
Bulk Semiconductor Characteristics pn junction characteristics - excluding I-v characteristics

14 Outline Design/Implementation Flow
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges Behavioral Design With Simulink Application Examples

15 Simulink Perform high-level behavioral simulation easily an order of magnitude faster than Spice Make important architectural decisions and trade-offs. Try out more options Reduce design risk and time-to-market

16 Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Requirements
Model different levels Documentation Re-use of design Analog and digital Hardware Simulation speed Accuracy in both time and frequency domains Interface to real-world signals

17 Simulink Solution Hierarchical block diagram design and simulation tool Addresses: Discrete time Continuous time State flow Visualize signals Both time & frequency domains Integrated with MATLAB

18 Simulink for Analog/Mixed-Signal
Model continuous time Laplace transforms Integrators and summers Passive RLC circuits Active circuits Model discrete time Z-transforms Delays, gains, summers Feedback control loops, VCO’s, PLL’s, Phase detectors

19 Outline Design/Implementation Flow
Analog/Mixed-Signal Design Challenges Behavioral Design With Simulink Application Examples

20 Application Examples Device Modeling Continuous-time Filters
Discrete-time Filters Complete Communication System

21 Device Modeling Transistor Modeling Op-Amp Modeling
Fabry-Perrot resonator

22 Continuous-time Filters
Passive Filters Active Filters

23 Discrete-time Filters
Ø1 Ø2 + - Digital Filters Switched-Capacitor Filters Passive SWITCAP Filters (PasSim)

24 Communication System Analog-to-Digital Converter Modulator Channel
Demodulator ADC fc LPF fclk Channel

25 The END

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