2012 6 Man Meeting May 10, 2012. 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest Speaker Dealing with Adversity New Rules Pre - Snap Routine Tips for – the Referee.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 6 Man Meeting May 10, 2012. 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest Speaker Dealing with Adversity New Rules Pre - Snap Routine Tips for – the Referee."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 6 Man Meeting May 10, 2012

2 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest Speaker Dealing with Adversity New Rules Pre - Snap Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep

3 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill

4 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Dealing with Adversity #8 Jake Ireland

5 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Dealing with Adversity When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge

6 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Adversity Adversity comes in all shapes and sizes. It ranges in intensity from nuisance, to extreme distress, to conflict, or even crisis and chaos. Some adversity cannot be controlled such as weather and field conditions. Some adversity is self-imposed such as quick whistles. Some adversity can be managed, contained or minimized such as player or coach behaviour. Some adversity must be dealt with individually and some as a crew. The most important thing to remember is that it is going to happen. We must accept it, deal with it, and move on. Dealing with Adversity

7 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Dealing with Adversity When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Weather and Field Conditions Controversial Calls or Rulings Hostile Crowds, Benches, Players Clock and Timing Issues Losing Track of Downs Examples of Adversity

8 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Dealing with Adversity When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Quick Whistles Overturned Calls Bad Calls Disqualifications Misapplied Penalties or Ruling Examples of Adversity

9 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Preparing for Adversity Dealing with Adversity It is going to happen. Don`t be surprised. Make regular deposits to your credibility savings account. Maintain a composed demeanour before it happens Establish communication habits that do not contribute to creating conflict or adversity

10 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Dealing with Adversity When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Rules and mechanics knowledge and application Whistle Control Clock Monitoring Proper Equipment Manage Sidelines / Benches Avoiding Adversity

11 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Managing/Dealing with Adversity Dealing with Adversity Conferencing When Why Who How Result Player/Player Conflicts Coach/Official Conflicts

12 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Moving on from Adversity Dealing with Adversity Re-load Re-focus your concentration Resume pre-snap duties Don’t try to sell the bad call Take the criticism you have earned Admit your mistakes Help your partner move on

13 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Dealing with Adversity When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Avoid any discussion with team personnel, spectators or media Report to appropriate league or association contacts Assess your performance Adversity – The Aftermath

14 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda New Rules #34 Kevin Baird

15 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE #1 SECTION 5 ARTICLE 2 page 5 Replace statement with e) Three or more players from either team substitute at the same time. Add k) A play ends in which Team B has gained possession at some point during the play. l) Termination of all kick plays.

16 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE #1 SECTION 8 ARTICLE 1 page 7 Replace statement with *note 4 a)When the whistle is blown inadvertently with a team in possession, the team in possession shall have the choice to: i.cancel the current play and repeat it where it began (PLS or kick ‐ off) or ii. have the play terminate at the PBH when the whistle was blown, downs continue if distance not gained. Note: If in air on a pass play repeat from PLS no option. (b) When the whistle is blown inadvertently with the ball not in possession of either team but where a team was previously in possession, the ball will be returned to the team last in possession and that team will have the choice to: i.cancel the current play and repeat it where it began (PLS or kick ‐ off) or ii. have the play terminate at the point of last possession

17 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE #1 SECTION 8 ARTICLE 1 page 7 Replace statement with *note 4 (c) When the whistle is blown inadvertently on any scrimmage or return kick play with the ball not in possession of either team, the receiving team shall have the choice to: i.cancel the current play and repeat it where it began (PLS) or ii. take possession of the ball at the point ball is at time of whistle (d) When the whistle is blown inadvertently with the ball not in possession and neither team had previous possession (i.e. on kick ‐ off prior to possession) then the play will be repeated from previous spot, no option (e) Any fouls which occur during the play, if accepted, will be administered as they would in a regular play situation on which no whistle had been blown.

18 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE #1 SECTION 8 ARTICLE 1 page 7 Replace statement with *note 4 (f) When the whistle is blown inadvertently but in the officials’ judgment the result of the play was not affected, then the play will stand with the expected result. Examples of this include inadvertent whistles that occur: i.while the ball is in the air on a successful field goal, or an unsuccessful field goal which leaves the end zone in flight, ii. while the ball is in the air on a punt attempt that leaves the field of play or end zone in flight. (g) If an inadvertent whistle occurs on a play during which time expires at the end of the second or fourth quarters, one additional play will be allowed. (exception (e))

19 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE #1 SECTION 11 ARTICLE 1 page 11 Replace statement with Penalty (a) (b) (f): the offending player shall be removed from the game until the illegal equipment is replaced or the score sheet is corrected. Penalty (d) ( e): Team A 1,2D ‐ L 10 DR, 3rd0 DG ‐ L 10, DNG ‐ LB PBD Team B L 10 PLS The offending player shall be removed from the game until the illegal material, substance or gloves have been removed. Immediate substitution will be made but the game shall not be delayed. If more than one player offends on the same play, only 1 penalty L 10 will be applied for that play. Fouls on subsequent plays will be penalized in the same way ‐ L 10 on each play where 1 or more players offend.

20 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE #1 SECTION 11 ARTICLE 2 b) page 11 Replace statement with All eye shields (visors and or glasses) must be clear.

21 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 1 SECTION 11 ARTICLE 2 c) PAGE 11 Add d) If a player’s helmet involuntarily comes off during the play, except as a result of a foul, he shall be required to leave the game for 3 plays. Change old paragraph d) to e)

22 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 1 SECTION 12 ARTICLE 2 c) PAGE 13 Replace statement with The use of substitution proceedings, or alleged substitution proceedings to deceive the opponent is illegal. If one or more Team A players or substitutes legally enter the field or leave the field, a sleeper play is illegal on the subsequent play. A “sleeper play” is defined as a pass play designed to deceive the opponent. (a) Occurs when an A player remains at the sideline adjacent to their team bench area, ( b) Often occurs with the ball on the opposite side of the field, Team A lines up quickly, snaps the ball, and throws a forward pass to a remote A player. (c) On the play following a Team A substitution, or alleged substitution, a sleeper play pass is illegal. (d) Running plays, or a pass play to another eligible A player, not in a remote area near their team bench sideline, are legal. Penalty: Team A 1.2D –L10 DR, 3D DG –L10 DR, 3D DNG ‐ LB, PBD

23 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 1 SECTION 13 ARTICLE 4(b) Page 15 Replace statement with Against Team B, Award the ball to Team B at the 20 yard (20 meter) line.

24 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 3 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 4 Page 24 Delete bold text After a rouge,...... On any kick from scrimmage (which excludes kickoffs) where the ball enters the end zone, the receiving team being able to successfully advance the ball legally out of the end zone and retain possession, may choose to scrimmage at their own 20 yard line or where the ball becomes dead.

25 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 4 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 4) Page 27 Replace statement with Line players of team A are those players whose head and shoulders are within 1 yard (1 meter) and on their own side of the line of scrimmage and are formed in a single line when the ball is snapped. Any Team A players in the backfield, while moving forward, anywhere between the eligible ends, shall also be considered eligible receivers as long as they remains onside at the time the ball is snapped. This will include the player occupying the position of quarterback. No stationary player of Team A shall be in a position that will create doubt as to whether he is on the line or in the backfield when the ball is snapped. Penalty: 1.2D – L5 DR; 3D DG – L5 DR; DNG – LB PBD Note: A player in a doubtful position may be penalized under this rule as an ineligible pass receiver – as applicable.

26 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 4 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 3 Page 28 Replace statement with If a Team A player goes offside, and passes the neutral zone, before the ball is snapped, the officials shall stop the play immediately, and award the penalty, subject to the right of Team B to decline the penalty and have the same down repeated as though a foul had not occurred.

27 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 4 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 4 Page 29 Replace statement with A line player of Team A, except the centre, after assuming a 3 – 4 point stance, may not legally move his head, body, arm, hands, or feet until the ball is snapped. Note: If the movement of any Team A line player, in their 3 – 4 point stance, prior to the snap, is slight and does result in drawing a Team B offside, there shall be no foul called. If, however, Team B reacts to the movement of a Team A line player in their 3 – 4 point stance, the penalty will be illegal procedure.

28 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 5 SECTION 1 ARTICLE 1 e) PAGE 33 Replace statement with A dribbled ball is made by kicking the ball when it is loose (not in possession of any player)

29 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 5 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 5 c) PAGE 35 Replace statement with Note: If after the foul, possession is gained in the end zone by B, the penalty shall be applied from the B 10 yard(10 meter) line, or option

30 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 5 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 1 PAGE38 Replace statement with b) …If the ball strikes the ground before being touched by the receiving team: Penalty: in field of play L 5 PBT, in goal area L5 penalty applied at 10 yard line. c) If the kicking team player is making no effort to withdraw from the 5 yard zone, and is hovering over the ball or the receiving team player about to take possession of the ball: Penalty: L15 will apply at normal point of application regardless whether the ball bounced. d) If the kicking team player interferes with a receiving team player attempting to gain possession of the kicked ball, with or without contact: Penalty: L15 from the normal point of application

31 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 5 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 2 PAGE 38 Add i)On any kick from scrimmage (which excludes kickoffs) where the ball enters the end zone, the receiving team being able to successfully advance the ball legally out of the end zone and retain possession, may choose to scrimmage at their own 20 yard (20 meter) line or where the ball becomes dead. Note: When the ball has been legally advanced out of the end zone the point ball held will be classed the B 20 yard (20 meter) line until the ball is carried beyond the B20, for any penalties to be applied at PBH.

32 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 5 SECTION 5 ARTICLE 3 PAGE 40 Replace statement with Note: If the point of application is the PP or PBH, and these points are in the Bend zone, the point of application shall be from the B 10 yard (10 meter) line (see article 5)

33 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 5 SECTION 5 ARTICLE 3 PAGE 40 Replace statement with In the above articles, when a penalty is applied from the 10 yard ( 10 meter) line, Team A may scrimmage the ball at any point on or between the hash marks, on the line where the ball is placed after the penalty application

34 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 5 SECTION 6 ARTICLE 6 PAGE 40 Add Section 6 DRIBBLED BALL A Dribbled ball occurs by kicking the ball when it is loose (not in possession of any player) a) A dribbled ball may be touched by the kicker or any on side player without penalty. b) A dribbled ball touched by the opponent makes all offside players on side. c) If a dribbled ball is touched by an offside player Penalty: Award ball to the opponent at point of touch, or option. If touch is in the opponents Goal Area. Penalty :Award ball to opponent at their 20 yard(20 meter) line, or option. If touch is in own Goal area Penalty: Accept a score of 1 or 2 points as applicable, or take possession of the ball as 1st down at the PLS or 10 yard (10 meter line whichever is closer to the opponents goat tine. NOTE: If the touching by an offside player occurs on the last play of a half, the opponent may elect to extend the period for an additional play, from point of touch. NOTE: A ball dribbled by Team A across the line of scrimmage does not interrupt the continuity of downs. NOTE: A dribbled ball that strikes a goal post shall remain in play.

35 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 6 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 1 PAGE 41 Replace statement with An offside pass is made when the ball is directed in any manner other than being kicked, in the direction of the opponents' dead line.

36 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 6 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 2 PAGE 41 Replace statement with A Team making an offside pass shall not be permitted to advance the ball and retain possession beyond the point of origin of the pass. Penalty: Next scrimmage at point of origin of pass Exceptions: Handoff pass behind the line of scrimmage Forward Pass

37 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 6 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 1 PAGE 41 Add 5) a ball fumbled forward by a ball carrier, or a player attempting to catch a kicked ball. or by a player attempting to intercept a lateral pass. 6) a kick which is blocked 7)recovered by an opponent

38 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 6 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 5 PAGE 42 Delete complete article

39 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep New Rules 2012 When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge RULE 6 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 6 PAGE 44 Add Note: A forward pass shall not be ruled as “completed” if the receiver does not survive immediate contact with an opponent and/or the ground. This is also true in the case of d) above, even if the player is forced out of bounds while in the air, the receiver must still survive the contact of the ground (out ‐ of ‐ bounds) to complete the pass.

40 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 6 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 8 PAGE 44 Replace statement with Article 8 ‐ Intentional Grounding RULE 6 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 8 PAGE 44 Add Inadvertent tripping by a player with equal position shall not be ruled as interference. RULE 6 SECTION 4 ARTICLE 11 c 4 PAGE 46 Replace statement with If Team A commits a foul in the end zone, or field of play, while the ball is in the end zone, the penalty shall be applied from the 20 yard(20 meter) line Team B may request the ball be placed at any point on or between the hash marks

41 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 7 SECTION 1 ARTICLE 2 PAGE 47 Remove complete article and place under rule 7 section 3 Unnecessary Roughness RULE 7 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 12 PAGE 50 Add Exception the centre has no protection on a quick kick RULE 7 SECTION 4 ARTICLE PAGE 51 Add (f) If a player throws a punch at an opponent, without contact, it is considered Objectionable Conduct.

42 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep RULE 8 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 4 PAGE 54 Add If point of possession is the end zone apply from the 10 yard (10 meter) line RULE 8 SECTION 2 ARTICLE 4 c) PAGE 56 Replace statement with If Team A commits a foul on the field of play while the ball is in the B end zone, the penalty shall be applied from the B 10 yard (10 meter) line. Team B may request the ball to be placed at any point on or between the hash marks. (UR, RP, etc may be applied at the 10 yard (10 meter) line or at the PBD). RULE 8 SECTION 5 ARTICLE 8 PAGE 58 Delete note

43 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Pre – Snap Routine #96 Murray Drinkwalter

44 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge The Importance of Pre-Snap Routine

45 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge “Before everything else, getting ready is the secret to success” ………… Henry Ford

46 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge “Keeps your head in the game and helps to maintain focus Ensures that you don’t miss anything Ensures consistency from play to play Following the routine in blow-out games helps you stay focused Why are pre-snap routines so important?

47 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge After the ball is ready for play Prior to that you are dead ball officiating In cases of hurry-up or no-huddle offences the pre-snap routine may run concurrent to dead ball officiating When does the pre-snap routine begin?

48 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line, Sticks set Subs in/out and first count of offense Ensure crew is set Subs in/out and signal ready for play If possible listen to huddle Pre-Snap: Referee

49 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Upon huddle break, check formation and second count Confirm count with Line Umpire Ensure own positioning Who is ‘in the box’ for BBW? Crew Communication! Pre-Snap: Referee

50 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Is Q.B. under centre or shotgun? Formation - Backs in or out/tight ends? Centre, guard, tackle on your side Tackles don’t lie! Is their weight forward or on their heels? Listen for communication from both teams. Pre-Snap Keys: Referee

51 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line, Sticks set Position ball and first count, face offense Remind referee of timing (hold or go) Stay over ball until directed to leave by referee Pre-Snap Keys: Line Umpire

52 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Upon huddle break, check formation and second count Confirm count with Referee Ensure own positioning Check for eligible receivers on the inside and point if required (5 interior lineman) Crew Communication! Pre-Snap Keys: Line Umpire

53 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Centre, guard, tackle on your side Formation Listen for communication from both teams Pre-Snap Keys: Line Umpire

54 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line Sticks set? Proper down? Clip? Subs in/out, sideline clear Check downfield - determine hold or free and signal Count Pre-Snap Keys: Head Linesman

55 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Upon huddle break, gates up, proper positioning, sideline clear Eligible receiver on end/try and make it legal Full yard by defense Be prepared to rule on a pre-snap L.O.S. foul and blow play dead Crew Communication! Pre-Snap Keys: Head Linesman

56 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Formation determines your receiver(s) key Peek at the tackle on your side Number of receivers on your side Listen for communication from both teams Pre-Snap Keys: Head Linesman

57 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line Subs in/out, sideline clear Check downfield - determine hold or free and signal Count Upon huddle break, gates up, proper positioning, sideline clear Pre-Snap Keys: Line Judge

58 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Eligible receiver on end/try and make it legal Full yard by defense Be prepared to rule on a L.O.S. foul and blow play dead Crew Communication! Pre-Snap Keys: Line Judge

59 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Formation determines your receiver(s) key Peek at the tackle on your side Number of receivers on your side Listen for communication from both teams Pre-Snap Keys: Line Judge

60 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line Count and check off with partner Positioning Listen for communication from both teams Crew Communication! Pre-Snap Keys: Back Judge

61 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Formation Where is the strength? Eligibles Pick up your receiver(s) Pre-Snap Keys: Back Judge

62 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Clock Status Down, Distance, Yard Line Count and check off with partner Set/signal deep positioning Listen for communication from both teams Crew Communication! Pre-Snap Keys: Back Umpire

63 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge Formation Where is the strength? Eligibles Pick up your receiver(s) Pre-Snap Keys: Back Umpire

64 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge CLOCK STATUS DOWN, DISTANCE, YARD LINE COUNTING PROPER POSITIONING READING YOUR KEYS CREW COMMUNICATION ! Common Themes: Back Umpire

65 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge If we all establish a pre-snap routine, work with our natural partners and do it every play we will establish consistency both as individuals and as crews. Once that consistency is established, the pre-snap routine will become second nature and will be done without thought. What does this all mean?

66 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Pre – Snap Routine When ….it hits the fan! Rising to the Challenge We can then anticipate the action of the play, but not the result. This will allow us to read and react to each and every play and complete our job successfully. What does this all mean?

67 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Tips for – the Referee

68 Days before the game Crew composition: Positions: Strengths Weaknesses * Your strengths and weaknesses Field: Issues Lights, dressing room Natural/turf League: Rules: Differences Call someone for clarification What can go Wrong?

69 Days before the game Teams Standings Strengths Previous game(s) Issues Certain plays Coaches Timers Travel plans: Driving Timing Traffic/events Game time Eating ahead Eating after What can go Wrong?

70 Days before the game Weather conditions Review notes (previous performances) Pre-game notes What can go Wrong?

71 Day before the game Uniform Packed Mixed crew - crest Various weather/field conditions Do you know where you’re going? Google maps Review: Rules applications Mechanics Telephone confirmation What can go Wrong?

72 Before the game Get to site Rendezvous Food Weather Travel Review football topics – (keep it lite – don’t add pressure) Arrive on time!! Find dressing room Review field – contact someone about problems a soon as possible What can go Wrong?

73 Before the game Good Pre-game meeting Thorough with crew participation – work through questions Don’t add pressure Be confident Team building Go out on time Look good! Everyone has a job to do Coaches meeting Your meeting – professional Know what you want to cover Listen to concerns Explain what you will do Same amount of time with each coach What can go Wrong?

74 Before the game Talk to timer Equipment working – tested? Don’t assume Crew Back in dressing room, out on field Issues brought up Talk to coach (again) if necessary Get teams; get captains Be positive Captain’s decisions – write it down Kick-off on time Ceremonial KO Ceremonial coin toss Anthem What can go Wrong?

75 During, Time-out, Quarter time, half time People are watching I Phones You Tube Time outs - Opportunity to confer on important issues Not trivial matters Write down time of time-out Moving chains Doing it right! Follow mechanics Take your time, no-one moves until everyone is ready KO on Time What can go Wrong?

76 During, Time-out, Quarter time, half time Half Time Corrections To the point Refresh Comments to motivate 2 nd half Teambuilding Go out on time – who’s watching clock Get captains/teams: right team’s decision KO on Time Disqualification Play finished Officials meeting Complete understanding of what went on Ball covered Umpire/Referee speak to coaches (both) Professional: to–the-point Player removed (appropriate for league) What can go Wrong?

77 After the game Debrief: Ask questions Clarification of issues Listen to Supervisor Sign Game sheet Clear understand of disqualification – additional information Clear understanding of injuries What can go Wrong? At the game

78 After the game Game report: RIC Note unusual things Reporting disqualifications Reporting injuries Your performance What’s important - uniform - game management - crew management Make notes Rules review/mechanics What can go Wrong? At the home

79 After the game Ask for help/mentor Talk about football with others Get ready for next time What can go Wrong? Next week

80 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Tips for – the Umpire

81 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Tips for the Umpire AFTER WALK AROUND!! Watch the offence when they break the huddle. Know your block of 5..new#’s? 2nd string? incorrect #?..are you reporting? hold? procedure? 2 or 3 pt stance..different? always been doing it? Setting up for a pass?..screen? Centre..his stance over the ball..movement of ball..what's he doing with it? Do I need to be over the ball..- sub. by def? sticks? side guys and ref all ready? Movement in backfield/along my side of line..play anticipation. run or pass Ball snapped - ok? - his normal actions - movement of my off. - line guys(C..OG..OT)

82 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Tips for the Umpire Now the fun begins!! What's the guard doing?..read run or pass Run? Pulling guard..trap blocking..straight ahead Watch for holding..and look for ball carrier/QB Where's it going? Pass? Line comes out and up and back (usually) (A) Receivers coming across middle..linebackers..lead blocks? Backs coming late or out to the side after zone has been cleared D-backs and maybe linebackers going to ball..from behind you Don't move to the ball too quickly Don't go outside hash marks Work into a position to see what's going on…tackle, facemask, blocking.. move down field Be ready to mark the spot IF side guys are blocked out Be aware of what's going on around the ball carrier/receiver….late hits etc. (B) Long pass down field..know that's what it is and turn back to see what's going on with the linemen... If you miss read the pass(long) and turn and have gone down field.. Either..a) Keep going..play may come back into the middle or b) Turn back and see what the linemen are up to

83 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Welcome Guest – Rob Underhill Dealing with Adversity New Rules My Routine Tips for – the Referee - the Umpire - the Sides - Deep Tips for the Umpire Now the fun begins!! Make sure you give ball carrier every inch they deserve..but that's all. (Work out spot with side guys PRE-GAME) If you have the ball dead farther up..signal to side guy I've got the spot up here Same for the side guy..nobody cares..nobody sees it..if you communicate Be VERBAL..let the players know: you are there what's going on play is over ball is away preventative officiating But DO let them know your watching!!!!

84 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Tips for – the Sides

85 2012 6 Man Meeting Agenda Tips for – Deep

86 2012 6 Man Meeting

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