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THE FIVE FACES OF SALVATION Face # 2 Shame. Spiritual Diseases and Cures  The Disease  Guilt  Shame  Fear  Defilement  Meaninglessness  The Cure.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FIVE FACES OF SALVATION Face # 2 Shame. Spiritual Diseases and Cures  The Disease  Guilt  Shame  Fear  Defilement  Meaninglessness  The Cure."— Presentation transcript:


2 Spiritual Diseases and Cures  The Disease  Guilt  Shame  Fear  Defilement  Meaninglessness  The Cure  Innocence  Honor  Power  Purity  Purpose




6 Shame  Definition:  1 a: a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety b: the susceptibility to such emotion (have you no shame?)  2: a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute : (the shame of being arrested)  3 a: something that brings censure or reproach; also : something to be regretted : pity (it's a shame you can't go) pity  b: a cause of feeling shame

7 To Have Our Shame Removed  Two Verses  Jesus came “to preach good news to the poor… to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Luke 4:18-19  Five Stories

8 To Have Our Shame Removed  Five Stories  Jesus removes our ______ and ________ our honor… Sin Restores

9 Luke 5:12-14- A Leper Healed  From _______________________ to clean.  To all who feel _______________________… I will _______________________ you. dirty helpless restore

10 Luke 7:36-50– The Sinful Woman  From _______________ to accepted.  To all who are ______________… I will _____________ you. spurned hurting receive

11 Luke 7:36-50– The Sinful Woman  From _______ _______________ to found.  To all who feel _______________… I will ______________ you. lost hopeless rescue

12 Luke 15:11-24– The Prodigal  From _______ _______________ to found.  To all who feel _______________… I will ______________ you. lost hopeless rescue

13 Luke 16:19-26– Rich Man & Lazarus  From _____________ to rich.  To all who are ____________________… I will _____________________ you poor humble reward

14 Luke 18:35-43—The Blind Beggar  From ________________ to seeing.  To all who need ________________… I will _______________ myself to You.  blind healing reveal

15 Jesus Restores Our Souls  From _____________ to resurrection.  To all who are _____________ by sin… I will _________________ you.  the cross held captive release

16 From our story to His story…  Start by identifying to which of these three stories your own story most relates.  One of my favorite stories about Jesus is when:  (On a separate piece of paper, fill in details of story in approximately 3-4 sentences)

17 From our story to His story…  State the primary point of the story, i.e.,  to forgive us,  to give us a fresh start,  to free us from our sins and struggles…)

18 From our story to His story…  Would you be interested in knowing more about how Jesus can do that in your life?

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