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‘Getting Through Shame’ “…a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt or shortcoming; … a condition of humiliating disgrace.”

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2 ‘Getting Through Shame’ “…a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt or shortcoming; … a condition of humiliating disgrace.”

3 What Shame Sounds Like And Looks Like Your will never amount to anything Your worthless Your no good anyway, you might as well live that way Your stupid; you never get anything right

4 Shame keep a young mother chained to her emotionally traumatic past, bruised and battered sexually by her drunken father

5 Shame haunts a middle-aged woman expected by others to “move on” in her life. Following her husband’s reckless affair and their bitter divorce

6 Shame assails a child lost in a world of confusion, brought about by his/her inability to learn as quickly as others and compete with peers

7 When a person has been beaten down with that kind of undeserved shame, they are going to have a hard time dealing with real guilt over real sin in any kind of healthy and godly way

8 As we will see in our study today, Jesus isn’t in the business of beating people down. He’s in the business of picking them up with his love and forgiveness

9 Jesus' responds to the Pharisees The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her John 8:7 John 8:7

10 The Pharisee Test Are you barely aware of your impatience toward other people Are you frustrated by all the slow people that keep running into you Are you quick to give advice What comes to mind when you hear the following statement “ apart from me you can do nothing”

11 How Did Jesus Extend Mercy And Grace to The Woman No condemnation from those with no right to condemn (vv.10-11a)…. No condemnation from the “One” with the very right to condemn ( v. 11b)…

12 Application Those who are not qualified to condemn will… The “One” who is qualified to condemn won’t…

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