PDHPE HSC Enrichment Day 2011 Sports Medicine. How is injury rehabilitation managed? Syllabus Focus Question: Rehabilitation Procedures Return to play.

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Presentation on theme: "PDHPE HSC Enrichment Day 2011 Sports Medicine. How is injury rehabilitation managed? Syllabus Focus Question: Rehabilitation Procedures Return to play."— Presentation transcript:

1 PDHPE HSC Enrichment Day 2011 Sports Medicine

2 How is injury rehabilitation managed? Syllabus Focus Question: Rehabilitation Procedures Return to play

3 Sample HSC Exam Questions 1.(i) Outline is the role of progressive mobilisation in the rehabilitation process ( 3 Marks) (ii) Describe how the use of heat and cold can assist an injured athlete return to play. (5 marks) 2.Examine the factors that influence when an athlete returns to play. (8 Marks) 3. Justify the rehabilitation procedures necessary for an athlete returning to play from an ankle injury. (8 Marks)

4 Writing a quality response  REMEMBER TO PRESENT IDEAS IN A CLEAR AND LOGICAL WAY - For each paragraph remember to P.E.E.L. Point State your point – this may be in the form of identifying a factor, stating a fact, making a statement, proposing a strategy. Elaborate Show what you know about the point made and apply that knowledge to the verb and other factors in the question. ANALYSE - Example Provide 1-2 examples giving a practical illustration, real life simulation or reflect a common everyday occurrence to prove what you have elaborated on. Link You should always refer back to the question to conclude your paragraph.

5 Outline the role of progressive mobilisation in the rehabilitation process. (3 Marks) QUESTION 1 part (i) : Activity 1

6 Describe how the use of heat and cold can assist an injured athlete return to play. (5 Marks) QUESTION 1 part (ii) Activity 2

7 Examine the factors that influence when an athlete returns to play following injury. (8 Marks) QUESTION 2 :

8 AFL KO's concussed players returning to field Mike Sheahan Herald Sun March 22, 2011 “THE AFL has banned concussed players from returning to the field after research showed the impact of head injuries is worse than previously thought. The AFL confirmed the new legislation today. It outlaws concussed players from any further part in games in which they have been injured, regardless of whether they successfully complete the traditional response test, or how long they have spent on the bench. …Concussion still will be determined by club doctors, with no right of veto by any club official - including the coach.” http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/afl-kos-concussed-players-returning-to- field/story-e6frf9jf-1226025689693 Return to play policies and procedures Return to play? Activity 3

9 Justify the rehabilitation procedures necessary for an athlete with an ankle injury. (8 Marks) QUESTION 3 : Activity 4

10 Graduated Exercise Justification of use in rehab procedures Application to ankle injury Stretching -- important to restore flexibility and assist muscle in regain elasticity -Benefits for rehab program include: decreased muscle tension, increased circulation, increased ROM and increased muscle and tendon length -Begin with slow static stretching, progress to PNF and then active stretching -- Ankle injury – start with non use of balance/wobble board first in seated position (non weight bearing), plantar and dorsi flexion then increase range and moving to a standing position etc Conditionin g --use isometric exercise first to progressively increase muscle length. This will prevent muscle atrophy. Gradually progress to resistance exercises including weights - strengthening muscles assist in injury prevention as enable joint to cope with greater demands -Muscle balance essential (agonist and antagonist) -Normal gait pattern (no preference to uninjured side) -Ankle injury – calf raises, balancing on one leg, progressing to balancing and moving arms or bending knee (establishing proprioception) -Jogging on a mini tramp progressing to straight line jog, changing direction etc Total Body Fitness - enhances recovery and ensures athlete can return to sport at pre injury fitness levels -Important that activities do not hinder the recovery from injury Ankle injury – deep water running or stationary cycling. Decrease load and stress placed upon ankle joint but can still maintain total body fitness Maintaining upper body strength with resistance exercises completed lying down or sitting Justification of Graduated Exercise  gradually returning the body to pre injury condition through stretching, graduated exercise and maintaining total body fitness

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