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Student Code of Conduct Revision Presentation to AGC (1of 3) February 11, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Code of Conduct Revision Presentation to AGC (1of 3) February 11, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Code of Conduct Revision Presentation to AGC (1of 3) February 11, 2014

2 Seeking AGC Endorsement  The Student Code of Conduct is not an academic policy  Both academic and general, therefore follows a unique process  AGC specifically to provide input on direct academic components (Academic Dishonesty and Classroom Conduct)  Seeking Endorsement and Recommendations  Post AGC Endorsement, moves to Cabinet for final review

3 Review Process/Team  Faculty focus groups spring ’13  Smaller review team:  Bethann Talsma, Business faculty  Jenni Klutts, Adjunct faculty (Biology)/Assistant Athletic Director/Professional Tutor  Deb Sanders, General Counsel Office  Evan Macklin, Student Life and Conduct  Eric Mullen, Associate Dean, Enrollment Management  Tina Hoxie, Dean of Student Affairs  Input from Associate Deans, Bill Faber and Paula Sullivan  Sent to DHs/PDs for additional input

4 Primary Focus Areas for AGC  Academic Honesty  Classroom Misconduct  Student Right’s section

5 Academic Dishonesty & Classroom Conduct Sections  Made consequence sections consistent  Improved language around process for both areas  Clarified sanction options

6 Added Student Rights Section  Concern from the BOT that there is nothing on the books stating Student Rights  Seeking feedback  What are we missing?  Is anything misrepresented?  Does it cover what we need it to cover?

7 Summary Other of Major Changes  Formatting  Removed Athletics section – moved to their handbook  Removed Student Organization section – moved to their handbook  Added definitions for Accused student, Complainant, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Bullying, Student Group or Organization  Edited definition from “school days” to “business days”  Added Interpretation and Revision section (very last section)

8 General Conduct Changes  Rearranged (put in alpha order)  Added Bullying and Sexual Misconduct sections  Expanded sanctions section

9 Process Updates  Expanded language  Afforded both parties equal rights  Change to appeal process  Appeals of Reprimands would be a written review by the Dean only (no hearing committee)  Seeking input on this decision

10 Information Update  Tobacco Free Update  E-cigarettes  Medical Marijuana

11 Questions/Input? Sara Dorer 234-3924

12 Returns to AGC March 11 In order to incorporate any suggestions/changes, feedback is needed by Tuesday, February 25 th.

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