A Bird’s Eye View of Fisheries Discharge in Alaskan Waters Ann Edwards, PhD Shannon Fitzgerald Alaska Fisheries Science Center – NOAA Seattle, WA.

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Presentation on theme: "A Bird’s Eye View of Fisheries Discharge in Alaskan Waters Ann Edwards, PhD Shannon Fitzgerald Alaska Fisheries Science Center – NOAA Seattle, WA."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Bird’s Eye View of Fisheries Discharge in Alaskan Waters Ann Edwards, PhD Shannon Fitzgerald Alaska Fisheries Science Center – NOAA Seattle, WA

2 Questions of Interest : All questions refer to characteristics of the biomass made available to birds by the Alaskan Groundfish Fishery (BSAI + GOA). ۞ -- Quantity? From which fisheries, and which processing methods? ۞ -- Characteristics? Whole, Macerated, Fishmeal -- Spatial Distribution? -- Energetic Content? -- Consumption Rates by Birds?

3 METHODS NOAA Regional Databases: Catch Accounting System Database Products Database 2003-3004: All data are presented Annually Data for each Gear Type and Species: Round Wt Landed Wt Primary Product Wt Ancillary Product Wt Product Recovery Rates

4 Midwater Pollock Trawl

5 Bottom Trawl

6 Longline

7 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Whole H &G Fillet Surimi Mince Meal Whole Discards YSOL RSOL POPA PLCK PCOD FSOL ROCK OTHR ARTH AMCK Round Weight (mt) Primary Products Produced At-Sea 2004

8 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Whole H&G Fillet Surimi Mince Meal Whole Discards Round Wt. (mt) Midwater Pollock Trawl Bottom Trawl Longline Primary Products Produced At-Sea 2004

9 Total Catch Discarded Catch Offal Retained Catch Market Final Products AT-SEA CATCHER / PROCESSOR AT-SEASHORESIDE

10 Total Catch Discarded Catch Macerated Whole Fish Whole Fish Fishmeal Plant Lost Fish AT-SEA CATCHER / PROCESSOR AT-SEASHORESIDE

11 Offal Retained Catch Unmacerated Offal Macerated Offal Fishmeal Plant Final Product AT-SEA CATCHER / PROCESSOR AT-SEASHORESIDE

12 Total Catch Discarded Catch Offal Retained Catch Final Products AT-SEA CATCHER / PROCESSOR AT-SEASHORESIDE

13 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 WholeParts metric tons - wet wt. Longline Bottom Trawl Midwater Pollock Trawl – Fishmeal Plant Midwater Pollock Trawl – NO Fishmeal Plant Made into Fishmeal WholeParts Returned to Sea Discharge from At-Sea Processors

14 Initial Processing - Catcher Vessel Deliveries to Shoreside Processors 2004 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 WholeBledH & G Discard - Fishmeal Discard - Sea Discard - Shore Midwater Pollock Trawl Pot Bottom Trawl Longline Round Weight (mt) 96% 97% 99%

15 Total Catch Discarded Catch Offal Retained Catch Landed Catch SHORESIDEAT-SEA Fishmeal Plant Landed Catch Discards Offal Final Products SHORESIDE PROSSESSOR Catcher Vessels

16 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 Returned to SeaMade into Fishmeal metric tons - wet wt. At-Sea Processors Shoreside Processors Disposal of Fish Parts At-Sea vs Shoreside Shoreside Processors: With Fishmeal Plant: 8 No Fishmeal Plant: 58

17 Bird’s Eye View: Summary of Shoreside Processing Small proportion of discharge is returned to sea, and that is usually discarded within a few nautical miles of the coast. Catcher Vessels Black Cod heads are a bird delicacy.

18 No. of Process. Vessels % of Total AGF At-Sea Discharge 12 -FM53% 824% 2316% 417% Bird’ At-Sea Processing

19 Acknowledgements Funding: National Research Council Research Associate Program Alaska Fisheries Science Center - NOAA Doug DeMaster, Julia Parrish Mary Furuness, Dave Ackley, John Payne Observer Program

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