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Pyramids of the Nile. The Geography of Egypt The Gift of the Nile Egyptians worshiped the Nile as a God Herodotus called it the “gift of the Nile”

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramids of the Nile. The Geography of Egypt The Gift of the Nile Egyptians worshiped the Nile as a God Herodotus called it the “gift of the Nile”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramids of the Nile


3 The Geography of Egypt

4 The Gift of the Nile Egyptians worshiped the Nile as a God Herodotus called it the “gift of the Nile”

5 Environmental Challenges Nile was regular but… When Nile was lower people starved Nile higher, destruction It was a natural barrier but there was only a small area of land and little interaction

6 Upper and Lower Egypt Cataracts made it impossible for travel To the south is Upper Egypt; to the north, Lower Egypt and Nile delta region

7  Villages under two separate Kingdoms  They were united by either King Scorpion or King Narmer  Read excerpts  Lower Egypt wore a red crown, upper Egypt had a tall white crown  Narmer formed the first Egyptian dynasty with the capital of Memphis


9  Differences between the kings in Mesopotamia and Egypt:  Egyptians were considered pharaohs  They were the center of religion, government and army  Government called a theocracy

10 Builders of the Pyramids Kings ruled after death Eternal life force, ka Tombs more important than palaces Pyramids were the resting place





15  Life was more optimistic than Mesopotamia  What are the two reasons?

16  Polytheistic  Re  Osiris  Isis  Believed in afterlife  Anubis  Royal and elite bodies mummified  Cats page 43


18 Materials used in mummification: 1. linen 6. natron 2. sawdust 7. onion 3. lichen 8. Nile mud 4. beeswax 9. linen pads 5. resin 10. frankincense

19 Canopic Jars Brain hooks Oil jar Funnel Embalmer's knife


21  Could gain higher class status through marriage or jobs  Reading and writing required for highest positions  Women many of the same rights as men

22 Egyptian Writing Pictographs led to hieroglyphics First written on stone/clay until papyrus was invented

23 Rosetta Stone

24  Calendar  Helped keep track of floods  Short of the true solar year by 6 hours  Written numbers  Taxes, property boundaries, construction measurements  Medicine  Pulse, splints, surgery

25  2180 b.c. power of pharaohs declined  End of Old Kingdom  Middle kingdom 2040-1640  Restored law, improved trade, transportation, built dikes, new acres created  Hyksos ruled 1630-1523  New Kingdom 1570-1075

26 2500 B.C. Less known about India’s history because language is not yet translated

27 Subcontinent: India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

28 Hindu Kush, Karakorum and Himalayas separate them from the rest of the Asian continent

29 Rivers  Indus River Himalayas to the Arabian Sea  Ganges Himalayas East across northern India. Joins the Brahmaputra River to the Bay of Bengal Desert  Thar: much of lower Indus valley Plains  Indo-Gangetic Plain  Deccan Plateau


31 Monsoons: Seasonal Winds Environmental Challenges October – February: winter monsoons NE to W June through October: W to SW winds Unpredictable flooding Rivers changed course Monsoons









40 Came by boat from Africa settled in South From the North through the Khyber Pass in the Hindu Kush mountains

41 Levees built around cities Raised cities Largest cities: Kalibangan, Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa Indus Valley civilization sometimes called Harappan civilization Cities on grid system – Held a citadel – Plumbing as sewage system



44 Had mud-brick platform, 3 ½ mile long levee, and a citadel Streets up to 30 feet wide House size varied

45 Most homes had a bathroom This was not achieved until the 19 th and 20 th century by other civilizations


47 Not yet deciphered

48 What Did These Items Show?  Housing There were not large social classes  Toys Prosperous society to make nonessential goods  Few weapons Conflict limited

49 Animal images show  they were important to their culture  what animals existed in the area

50 Theocracy? Linked to Hindu culture

51 Thriving Indus River allowed transportation of goods and link to the sea

52 Indus Valley Culture Ends Cities fell into decay Tectonic plates shifted Aryans invaded


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