Earth in Yellow Flower Presenter Name By By Sumitra Marda Optometrist, Ocularist, Low vision specialist, Sportvision.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth in Yellow Flower Presenter Name By By Sumitra Marda Optometrist, Ocularist, Low vision specialist, Sportvision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth in Yellow Flower Presenter Name By By Sumitra Marda Optometrist, Ocularist, Low vision specialist, Sportvision specialist Low vision and Vision Rehabilitation

2 To enhance independent living and self sufficiency with dignity for people who have permanent visual impairments, through maximized use of their remaining vision. Mission

3 Types of Low Vision Loss of Central Vision. Loss of Peripheral Vision. Blurred Vision. Night Blindness.

4 Artificial Eye Co  Glaucoma Glaucoma  Macular Degeneration Macular Degeneration Low Vision – Common Causes  Albinism

5 Low Vision – Common Causes  Retinitis Pigmentosa  Cataracts  Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy

6 VISUAL EFFECTS Blurred vision (gradual). Photophobia. Seeing halos around light. Central visual acuity (unaffected until the end stage). End –stage - Problem with orientation & mobility. Glaucoma LOW VISION AIDS CCTV or max (increases contrast & brightness along with magnification). Amber tinted glassess (reduces glare). Reverse telescopes (enhances visual field) Flashlight (night travel). Long cane (travel in end-stage).

7 VISUAL EFFECTS Visual acuity ranges from 20/20 to total blindness. Loss of color vision. Most commonly, decreased vision is a result of lens changes (due to fluctuation in blood sugar level) or macular edema. Diabetic Retinopathy LOW VISION AIDS Correct refractive error. Amber tinted glassess may improve contrast & eliminate glare & photophobia. Direct illumination for near tasks is generally helpful. For near - Prismatic glass,hand magnifier & CCTV.

8 VISUAL EFFECTS Dry-stage ARMD, acuity can range from 20/20 to 20/400. With wet-stage (exudative) ARMD, the acuity can show loss worse than 20/400. Main problem is very difficulty in reading or writing. Macular Degeneration LOW VISION AIDS Prescribe optical glass Direct illumination should be recommended for all near tasks. Patients respond well to magnification at distance & near. Amber tinted lens improved contrast & control glare.

9 Macular disease has central black area Healthy retina will produce a clear image.

10 Looking sideways can bring people or objects or words into view.

11 Reading is difficult with severe macular degeneration, but is slightly easier magnifying the writing and looking to one side.

12 VISUAL EFFECTS Albinism has the most severe effect on visual acuity, ranging from 20/200 to 20/400. Photophobia, may have high refractive error, nystagmus, color vision is normal. Albinism LOW VISION AIDS Correct refractive errors. Controlling illumination, Amber tinted glassess Pin hole contact lenses Visors & hat can often reduce photophobia. Telescope for distance.

13 VISUAL EFFECTS Central vision ranges from 20/20 to no light perception. In early stages - acuity usually remains normal. In later stages – acuity moderately to severely decreased secondary to lens or macular changes. Photophobia, night blindness, color vision problem. Slow reading Mobility problem. Retinitis Pigmentosa LOW VISION AIDS Refractive error correction. CCTV or Max (increases contrast, brightness with magnification ). For Near - Prismatic lens & good illumination. Amber tinted lenses - Improves contrast & reducing glare. Reverse telescope for distance. Vision rehabilitation is also needed.

14 Low vision aids

15 Spectacles and loupes Hand magnifiers Stand magnifiers Telescopes

16 Spectacles and loupes

17 Hand magnifiers

18 Stand magnifiers

19 Telescopes


21 Colour Blindness No treatment is available for red-green color blindness although appropriately tinted lenses may enhance the perception of certain shades for specific tasks. Artificial Eye Co

22 Ptosis Artificial Eye Co

23 Other prosthesis Artificial Eye Co


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