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Different species might look dissimilar, but the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their.

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Presentation on theme: "Different species might look dissimilar, but the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their."— Presentation transcript:


2 Different species might look dissimilar, but the unity among organisms becomes apparent from an analysis of internal structures, the similarity of their chemical processes, and the evidence of common ancestry. Content Standard 3.1

3 All living things on Earth have some traits in common and some traits that make them different.

4 Traits of organisms can be used to "classify" them - put them in groups

5 "Classify" these shapes into three groups?

6 Shape rectangle circle oval

7 What characteristic can be used to separate the rectangles into 2 groups?

8 Classification Lab

9 Classification Lab 1. Use "shape" to put the objects in 2 large groups

10 Classification Lab 2. Use a different characteristic to separate each large group into 2 groups

11 Classification - 3 min

12 Carolus Linnaeus is considered to be the father of our modern system of classification.


14 Today's classification system is divided into these groups: Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species




18 All Archaebacteria live without oxygen(anerobic)...

19 and obtain their energy from inorganic molecules or from light (autotrophic)...

20 for this reason archaebacteria are also known as EXTREMOPHILES.

21 Type of cells: Prokaryotic Cellular organization: Unicellular/Colonial Type of reproduction: Asexual by binary fission Food production: Autotrophic


23 Type of cells: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: Unicellular/Colonial Type of reproduction: Asexual by mitosis Food production: Heterotrophic or Autotrophic


25 Type of cells: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: Multicellular Type of reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Food production: Heterotrophic by absorption


27 Type of cells: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: Multicellular Type of reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Food production: Autotrophic by photosynthesis


29 Type of cells: Eukaryotic Cellular organization: Multicellular Type of reproduction: Sexual/Asexual Food production: Heterotrophic by ingestion

30 What kingdom do viruses belong to?

31 Viruses are much smaller and less complex than cells. Viruses consist of either DNA or RNA enclosed in a protein coat called a capsid. Viruses do not grow.

32 Viruses have no nucleus, cytoplasm, or membranes. Viruses do not carry out cellular functions. Viruses do not generate metabolic energy.

33 Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites, meaning that they require a host cell to reproduce.

34 In short, viruses are not alive!!

35 3 basic types of viruses: Bacteriophage

36 3 basic types of viruses: Bacteriophage "Bacteria Eater"

37 3 basic types of viruses: Adenovirus

38 3 basic types of viruses: Adenovirus The common cold

39 3 basic types of viruses: Retrovirus

40 3 basic types of viruses: Retrovirus Human Immunodeficiency Virus H I V

41 The 3 Types of Viruses RetrovirusAdenovirusBacteriophage

42 Reconstruction of the evolutionary histories of organisms

43 A phylogenetic tree shows a hypothesis about relationships that exist among groups of organisms.

44 #1 Evolution - 2 min

45 The closer two organisms are to a branch, the closer their relationship.

46 Think of a branch as the place where a gene pool is separated.

47 Line length indicates degree of change, NOT length of time.

48 Phylogenetic trees are based on four things:

49 1. The Fossil Record

50 Any trace of a long-dead organism


52 #2 Fossils - 3 min


54 Ignore it, Jeffries. It's unscientific."

55 #3 Amber - 4 min

56 2. Morphology











67 3. Embryology


69 4. Chromosomes and DNA



72 A system of classification that uses shared characters to establish evolutionary relationships.


74 1. Organisms within a group are descended from a common ancestor.


76 2. There is a branching pattern of cladogenesis.


78 3. Change in characteristics occurs in lineages over time.


80 #4 Speciation - 1 min

81 A dichotomous key is used to identify organisms that you do not already know.

82 Keys present choices between two statements, couplets, about visible traits of a organism.

83 By always making the correct choice between couplets, the name of the organism will be revealed.

84 1 a. There are nine spines in front of the dorsal fin....go to 2 b. There are seven spines in front of the dorsal fin....go to 5

85 Practice Dichotomous Keys

86 Mound builders

87 Spiro Mounds




91 The digestive system has only 1 opening

92 The nervous system contains nematocysts


94 The digestive system still has only one opening

95 The nervous system is more complex


97 The digestive system has two openings

98 A true body cavity is present


100 All chordates have a notochord, an early endoskeleton.


102 Lancelates and sea squirts are invertebrates, keeping the notochord throughout life. Lancelates Sea Squirts

103 The notochord is replaced by a cartilage framework in sharks and a bony framework in higher vertebrates.

104 The are 7 classes of vertebrates Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals



107 Groups of organs working together to accomplish a task.

108 The human body has 11 organ systems.

109 Integumentary Skeletal Muscular Cardiovascular Lymphatic & Immune Nervous Endocrine Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive





114 The chemical formula for glucose is C 6 H 12 O 6






120 Classify means to put things into ___

121 groups Classify means to put things into ___

122 The father of our modern system of classification.

123 Carolus Linnaeus The father of our modern system of classification.

124 The 7 classification groups.

125 kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species The 7 classification groups.

126 There are __ (number) kingdoms of living things.

127 6 There are __ (number) kingdoms of living things.

128 There are 2 kingdoms of ___.

129 bacteria There are 2 kingdoms of ___.

130 The other 4 kingdoms are...

131 protists fungi plants animals The other 4 kingdoms are...

132 Viruses ___ alive.

133 are not Viruses ___ alive.

134 The outer protein coat of a virus.

135 capsid The outer protein coat of a virus.

136 A reconstruction of the evolutionary histories of organisms.

137 phylogeny A reconstruction of the evolutionary histories of organisms.

138 A branch on a phylogenetic tree is a place where ___

139 a gene pool is separated A branch on a phylogenetic tree is a place where ___

140 The length of a branch on a phylogenetic tree indicates

141 degree of change NOT length of time The length of a branch on a phylogenetic tree indicates

142 Any trace of a long dead organism is a ___

143 fossil Any trace of a long dead organism is a ___

144 Fossilized tree sap is ___

145 amber Fossilized tree sap is ___

146 The study of the structure of an organism is

147 morphology The study of the structure of an organism is

148 Organs in different species that have the same basic structure are ___

149 homologous organs Organs in different species that have the same basic structure are ___

150 Organs in different species that have different structure but perform the same function are ___

151 analogous organs Organs in different species that have different structure but perform the same function are ___

152 An embryo becomes a fetus when it begins to ___.

153 look like the organism An embryo becomes a fetus when it begins to ___.

154 A system of classification that uses shared characteristics to establish evolutionary relationships.

155 cladistics A system of classification that uses shared characteristics to establish evolutionary relationships.

156 The pair of choices on a dichotomous key are called ___

157 couplets The pair of choices on a dichotomous key are called ___

158 The study of the internal working organisms is called ___.

159 Physiology The study of the internal working organisms is called ___.


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