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Joseph Jacob Stranger Brother 1 Brother 2 Brother 3 Judah CHARACTERS.

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Presentation on theme: "Joseph Jacob Stranger Brother 1 Brother 2 Brother 3 Judah CHARACTERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph Jacob Stranger Brother 1 Brother 2 Brother 3 Judah CHARACTERS

2 Jacob: ”JOSEPH” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joseph: "Here I am! Jacob: "Go see what your brothers are up to." Joseph: "Yes, Father,”

3 Stranger: "Are you looking for something?” Joseph: "I am looking for my brothers - the sons of Israel. Do you know where they are?" Stranger: "Sure do They were here a while ago. I heard them say that they were going to go to Dothan." Joseph: "Thanks!” and he began to walk to Dothan.

4 Brother 1: "Oh brother! Here comes that dreamer Joseph - in his fancy coat!" Brother 2:"Now is our chance!” Brother 1: "Let's get rid of Joseph and his dreams once and for all! Let's kill him and throw his body into this pit here in the wilderness. We can say a wild animal ate him. There is no one around. Father is far away. Who will know?"

5 Brother1: "Great plan!” Brother2: "Good idea!" Brother1: "Let's do it!"

6 Brother 3:"No, let's just throw him into the pit - we don't want his blood on our hands."

7 Joseph: HELP ! HELP !

8 Judah: "Hey, guys! Let's be traders too! We can sell Joseph to these Ishmaelite. That way we can get rid of Joseph and make some money on the deal besides!


10 “The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man” Genesis 39:2

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