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Newton’s Laws Review. Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object at rest will stay at rest(balanced) 2 nd: F=ma (who has the most Newtons?)

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Presentation on theme: "Newton’s Laws Review. Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object at rest will stay at rest(balanced) 2 nd: F=ma (who has the most Newtons?)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Newton’s Laws Review

2 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object at rest will stay at rest(balanced) 2 nd: F=ma (who has the most Newtons?) Pull, Inertia, balanced & unbalanced

3 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object at rest will stay at rest (balanced forces) Pull, Push, Equal Balance, Friction, gravity

4 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. Gravity, Friction, Inertia

5 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 2 nd: F=ma (How much force is required?) Push, Friction, Gravity, Mass

6 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 3 rd Law: Action/Reaction Push, Push (2 objects push each other) Equal and opposite force

7 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st : Object at rest will stay at rest 3 rd : Opposite forces. *Spider pushes down on water. *Water pushes up on spider. Gravity, Balanced

8 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 2 nd Law: F=ma 3 rd Law: it requires two interacting objects to have a force. Push, Inertia

9 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st Law: Traveling at a constant speed requires very little force. 2 nd Law: F=ma 3 rd Law: action/reaction Push, Momentum, Inertia, Low Friction

10 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st Law: By rapidly changing the state of motion of its fur, the water's resistance to these changes causes it to be detached from the dog to follow a course of motion of its own. For the dog, this property of inertia. Who needs a towel when you have inertia? Inertia, unbalanced

11 Name the Law What are the forces? Law: Forces: 1 st Law: Think of a force as a push or pull. These pushes and pulls can sometimes have drastic effects upon the objects they are exerted upon. When unbalanced, a force causes an object to change its state of motion. It can speed up, slow down or change direction. Push, Inertia, unbalanced

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