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Between vs. Among. Between vs. Among: Use “between” for choices involving two items (e.g. “Between the two types of berries, I like raspberries more.”)

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Presentation on theme: "Between vs. Among. Between vs. Among: Use “between” for choices involving two items (e.g. “Between the two types of berries, I like raspberries more.”)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Between vs. Among

2 Between vs. Among: Use “between” for choices involving two items (e.g. “Between the two types of berries, I like raspberries more.”) Use “among” for choices involving three items (e.g. “Among the three types of berries, I like blackberries most.”

3 Comparative vs. Superlative

4 Comparative : Use comparative form for TWO things that are being compared. For one-syllable words, add “er” to an adjective (e.g. “Chris is taller than Logan.”). For two-syllable words, for the comparative by using “more” (e.g. “Of the two students, Jade is more conscientious.”)

5 Superlative: Use superlative form for THREE things that are being compared. For one-syllable words, add “est” to an adjective (e.g. “Chris is tallest among those three students.”). For two-syllable words, for the superlative form by using “most” (e.g. “Of the three students, Jade is most conscientious.”)

6 Application: Identify the character who is _______ tragic: Creon or Antigone.

7 Comparative :

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