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Adverbs of Manner Often these adverbs are formed by Adding -ly to the end of an adjective; kind-kindly, quiet-quietly. Adjectives ending -l add -ly ; careful-carefully.

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Presentation on theme: "Adverbs of Manner Often these adverbs are formed by Adding -ly to the end of an adjective; kind-kindly, quiet-quietly. Adjectives ending -l add -ly ; careful-carefully."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adverbs of Manner Often these adverbs are formed by Adding -ly to the end of an adjective; kind-kindly, quiet-quietly. Adjectives ending -l add -ly ; careful-carefully. Adjectives ending -y change to -ily ; lucky-luckily, angry-angrily, happy-happily. Adjectives ending -ble change to -bly ; responsible-responsibly.

2 Adverbs of Manner Some adverbs do not take the ‘ly’ ending. They have the same form as adjectives. Examples: Alice swims fast. The show started late. Far Fast Hard High Last Late Long Low Near Straight

3 Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed after the main verb or after the object. Examples: He swims well, (after the main verb) He ran... rapidly, slowly, quickly.. She spoke... softly, loudly, aggressively.. James coughed loudly to attract her attention. He plays the flute beautifully. (after the object) He ate the chocolate cake greedily. BE CAREFUL! The adverb should not be put between the verb and the object: He ate greedily the chocolate cake [incorrect] He ate the chocolate cake greedily [correct] Adverbs of Manner

4 Adverbs of Time Some adverbs tell us when something happened. These include: afterwards, later, just, now, soon, recently, yesterday,.... For example:- Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away. - In this sentence yesterday shows us when.

5 Other adverbs of time include:- Time Example Saturday, Sunday... I am going to the shops on Monday. Today I've been to the shops today. Yesterday I went yesterday. Next week/month/year I am going next week. Finally I finally went. Eventually I eventually went to the shops. Already I've already been to the shops. Soon I'm going to the shops soon. Just I'm just going to the shops. Still I'm still at the shops.

6 Adverb of Place Adverbs of place indicate where something happens. These include; away, anywhere, here, near, outside, somewhere, there, underground, upstairs... For example: My passport is here in my bag.

7 Place Example OutHe will go out at 8 a.m. Upstairs The children were playing upstairs. In London The neighbors are live in London. Outside The children were playing outside. ThereI placed the dictionaries there.

8 Prepared by: Tan Eileen

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