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Today’s Topic… Making the Most of Your Minutes Time Management.

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5 Today’s Topic… Making the Most of Your Minutes Time Management


7 Answer these True/False questions and remember your responses to determine how well you manage your time.

8 1.…focus on one task for long periods of time. 2.…multi-task regularly. 3. …check your email within 1-hour of arriving at work. 4.…schedule your activities for the day after arriving at work. True or False? You…

9 If you answered “YES” to more than one of these questions… …then it’s highly likely that you have TERRIBLE time management skills!

10 But fret not! Help is on the way! These tips will help you make the most of your workday minutes.


12 -1- Plan and Prioritize Your Day

13 Organize your tasks for the day based upon the importance of their completion: Start the day with a time management planning session. Emergency:_______________ Rush:_____________ Priority: _____________ Routine: ______________ Backburner:_____________

14 Schedule your most demanding tasks based upon when you are the most productive (morning, afternoon, or evening) And be sure to set a time limit for each task and stick to it!

15 -2--2- Avoid the Multi-tasking Myth

16 Multi-tasking does not make you more productive! By and large, the human brain can only focus on one thing at a time!

17 So instead of multi-tasking… 1.Work systematically on one task at a time. 2.Once done, move on to the next task. And when you feel the urge to work on two things at once… 3. Concentrate! Concentrate!

18 -3--3- Refresh, Re-Focus, Reward

19 It is impossible to work for a long period of time and still produce quality work without resting and recharging your brain.

20 Instead of working for hours at a time, work for 45-minutes to an hour, then take a 5-minute break. These “reward-breaks” fight fatigue and help you to maintain your concentration and creativity.

21 -4--4- Schedule Your Distractions

22 Getting sucked into the morning email or voicemail black hole is a common work mistake.

23 Avoid becoming bogged down and distracted by emails and voicemails by designating 2 times during the day to check them. This habit will allow you to start the day off right – WORKING!

24 -5--5- Set Yourself Up for Success

25 Use the last few minutes of the day to create tomorrow’s work list based upon what was not completed today.

26 Creating tomorrow’s check-list today focuses you sub-consciously and sets you up for success!

27 Successful time management is all about planning your day, and then protecting your time… And with a little intentionality you too can beat the time-management clock!

28 The Rice Way! Promoting Excellence Through Learning… OLPD Owlets

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