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MACRONUTRIENTS These are out direct sources of energy for daily life, physical exercise and work consumed in large amounts There are 3 types: 1. Protein2.

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3 MACRONUTRIENTS These are out direct sources of energy for daily life, physical exercise and work consumed in large amounts There are 3 types: 1. Protein2. Carbohydrate3. Fat

4 PROTEIN directly involved in fundamental chemical processes of life when ingested: -broken down into 20 amino acids



7 PROTEIN directly involved in fundamental chemical processes of life when ingested: -broken down into 20 amino acids - 9 essential amino acids  attained through food (body produces 11 others) Complete protein – food that contains all 9 amino acids - meat, eggs, cheese and milk Incomplete protein –foods containing one but not all essential amino acids - vegetables and fruits

8 each gram of protein contains 4 Calories of energy for every kilogram of body weight, an adult needs 0.8 grams of protein necessary for growth and repair of all tissues, and a critical component of hormones, enzymes and the immune system

9 FAT insulate and protect vital organs highest energy yield = 9 calories of energy per gram

10 Saturated -animal sources -LDL (low-density lipoproteins) -high levels LDLincreased cholesterolplaque on artery wallsheart disease Unsaturated -plant sources - high concentrations of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) - flushed out of body

11 CARBOHYDRATE most accessible energy source for the body  is the most abundant organic substance in nature GLUCOSE -produced by photosynthesis, stored as GLYCOGEN in human each gram yields 4 Calories of energy If not utilized, becomes fat

12 Complex (starch) -takes body longer to absorb -80 % of total carb intake -cereals, fruits, vegetables, legumes and pasta Simple (sugars) -absorb MUCH faster - refined white sugar, pop, candy, etc

13 ...but why is it important that we ingest carbohydrates? ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) - 3 phosphates attached to adenosine

14 Fritz Albert Lipmann and Herman Kalckar, 1941 ATP  ADP + P +ENERGY

15 The question we will be answering is not how the body uses ATP, but rather how the body goes about resynthesizing ATP. 2 methods for resynthesizing ATP 1. Anaerobic System -without oxygen -muscle fibre -quick; powerful short activities 2. Aerobic System -with oxygen -mitochondria -several complex reactions -endurance activities -These systems work together -coexist and overlap -all physical activity relies on some combination of these systems

16 What we are going to examine are the three metabolic pathways that make up these two systems. ATP-PC pathway Glycolysis Cellular Respiration METABOLISM

17 ATP-PC System Anaerobic alactic -first and simplest of the 2 anaerobic pathways -Short, powerful energy bursts  10-15 seconds Without O 2 No lactic acid PC + ADP  ATP + Creatine Phosphocreatine -high energy molecule -phosphate used to convert ADP to ATP -small stores -highest rate of ATP synthesis -sprinting, high jump, powerlifting

18 -the replenishment of PC for this system needs ATP -once levels of PC are depleted, a new system must take over for the body to continue and also for the body to replenish its PC levels Takes 2-5 minutes

19 Glycolysis Anaerobic lactic Produces lactic acid -partial breakdown of glucose in cytoplasm -plentiful in the human body -holds useable energy (ATP)

20 Although ATP production is rapid, glycolysis is a much more complex process -11 separate biochemical reactions -yields twice as much ATP as the ATP-PC system -lasts 1-3 minutes C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2ADP + 2P i  2C 3 H 6 O 3 + 2ATP + 2H 2 O Glucose Lactate -basically glycolysis transfers energy from glucose to rejoin phosphate to ADP Total ATP count = 2 -if O 2 present, pyruvate (pyruvic acid) -if insufficient O 2, pyruvate  lactic acid - hi L acid  low Glucose breakdown -decrease muscle contraction -burning sensation

21 When sufficient O2 is present, the pyruvate left over from Glycolysis will move into a new, even more complex pathway... Cellular Respiration Aerobic -complete breakdown of glucose in the mitochondria of cells -kicks roughly 90 sec into activity and lasts for endurance activities -fats and proteins also used as energy sources in this pathway Exercise longer than 20 minutes As a last resort -involves 3 separate pathways: Glycolysis -same as before, but pyruvate  Acetyl CoA(2 ATP) Kreb’s Cycle (citric acid cycle) -Acetyl CoA enters the more complicated pathway -series of 8 reactions; also site of fat and protein metabolism

22 The Kreb’s Cycle

23 When sufficient O2 is present, the pyruvate left over from Glycolysis will move into a new, even more complex pathway... Cellular Respiration Aerobic -complete breakdown of glucose in the mitochondria of cells -kicks roughly 90 sec into activity and lasts for endurance activities -fats and proteins also used as energy sources in this pathway Exercise longer than 20 minutes As a last resort -involves 3 separate pathways: Glycolysis -same as before, but pyruvate  Acetyl CoA(2 ATP) Kreb’s Cycle (citric acid cycle) -Acetyl CoA enters the more complicated pathway -series of 8 reactions; also sight of fat and protein metabolism -2 ATP produced along with 6NADH and 2FADH

24 The third and most “profitable” sub-pathway is the final stage of cellular respiration Electron Transport Chain -occuring in the mitochondria, the ETC takes high energy electrons, found within FADH and NADH molecules, through a chainlike process -this process creates VAST amounts of ATP with only CO 2 and water as by products

25 -video The electron transport chain contributes a whopping 32 ATP to the cellular respiration process C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 36ADP + 36P i  6 CO 2 + 36ATP + 6H 2 O Glycolysis = 2 ATP/glucose Kreb’s Cycle = 2 ATP/glucose ETC = 32 ATP/glucose 36 ATP/glucose

26 Interplay of Energy Systems -video Copy 5.1: Three Energy pathways compared (p.86) into your notes

27 Lactic Acid -we know that lactic acid is a painful by product of glycolysis when insufficient oxygen is present -one of the main causes of stopping activity Anaerobic threshold (Blood lactate threshold) Point at which a large increase in blood lactate occurs (compared to resting levels) Onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA) Rapid accumulation of blood lactate; always occurs after the lactate threshold


29 The longer it takes a person to reach their threshold, the more “endurance” they have Elite endurance athletes will have a high lactate threshold Untrained individuals will have a low lactate threshold Therefore, the lower your LT, the less efficient your energy systems are working, or the poorer your energy systems are

30 The Cori Cycle We can’t just think of lactic acid as a bad thing Remember that blood lactate levels don’t ALWAYS increase Therefore the body MUST have a way of ridding itself of lactic acid takes lactic acid (lactate) and converts it to pyruvate in the liver the pyruvate is then converted to glucose/glycogen and re-enters the energy pathways, allowing further production of ATP Better endurance athletes will have a greater ability to convert their lactic acid

31 So what is the difference between these two athletes? What allows one athlete to excel at running for 5 hours and another to excel at running for 10 seconds?

32 Muscle Fibre Types In general there are 2 types: Slow-twitch muscle fibres: -dark in in colour -low levels of ATPase (instant energy) and glycolytic enzymes (promote glycogen release) -high levels of oxidative enzymes -lower tension/contraction over longer periods of time -most active during endurance activities Fast-twitch muscle fibres: -paler colour -high levels ATPase and glycolytic enzymes -large amounts of tension with relatively low endurance levels -activate 2X’s faster than slow twitch fibres -most active for fast, powerful activities (Oxygen storage)

33 There are two main muscle fibres, but researchers are starting to lean towards three different types: Type I –Slow Oxidative (SO) Type IIa –Fast Oxidative Glycolytic (FOG) Type IIb –Fast Glycolytic (FG) Strong research evidence, that with consistent aerobic training, the body can convert type IIb fibres into type Iia -that is, fast twitch muscles fibres can become an intermediary fibre that acts as both fast twitch and slow twitch -no evidence for Type II  Type I

34 Tonic versus Phasic muscles The function of a muscle is a pretty good indicator of its fibre make up. -muscles that maintain posture and stability -mainly type I  slow twitch fibres -little explosiveness, considerable endurance -soleus -muscles that create power and speed -mainly type II  fast twitch fibres -biceps brachii

35 Read page 91, “Kenya’s Famous Long-Distance Runners –The greatest concentration of achievement in the annals of sport.” From the reading, find and write down the FIVE most important points, that could help you write a research paper on the topic of ENERGY SYSTEMS.

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