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Leopold II and the Congo Free State Or D.R.Congo.

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Presentation on theme: "Leopold II and the Congo Free State Or D.R.Congo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leopold II and the Congo Free State Or D.R.Congo

2 The Legacy of Leopold II The essential question of our next trial is “does the movement of people and ideas affect the world? If so how if not why not?

3 Nineteenth Century Tech As the nineteenth century lurches forward we see technological advances grow by leaps and bounds ◦By 1888 the air filled rubber tire was revolutionizing transportation, including cars and bicycles ◦Widespread indoor plumbing ◦The airplane ◦Steam and electrical power widespread

4 Nineteenth Century tech What does all this have to do with Leopold II and Congo Free State? ◦Well where do you think this rubber for those tires comes from? ◦Rubber trees of course Now Leopold II happens to own Congo Free State, one of the largest single colonies in Africa

5 Leopold II & Congo Free State What do you think grows in over half Leopold’s Congo Free State? ___________________ So how did Leopold get his hands on the Congo Free State? Lets find out

6 Leopold II of Belgium & Congo Congo River reached in 1483 by Portuguese explorer Diogo Cao By 1600’s Dutch, French, and British have explored Congolese regions of Africa By 1876 Belgium is in the game

7 Leopold II Born 1835 Belgium Son of Leopold I King of Belgium 1860s becomes most widely travelled European monarchs 1865 becomes King of Belgium after his fathers death

8 Leopold II 1878 Leopold II sends Morton Stanley to secure treaties with Congo territories on behalf of Belgian crown The rest is up to you ladies and gentleman Charges: Mass murder, crimes against humanity, imperialism, human rights violations

9 Prosecution Prosecution here's what you need to find ◦How did Leopold II secure the Congo free state? ◦When did he do this, and how long he had control? ◦Why did he do this? ◦What areas did he conquer? ◦Where is Congo located? Where is it in modern day Africa?

10 Prosecution What kinds of legacies did Leopold leave behind? BE SPECIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We should see names of specific people, events, places, names of movements against him or his soldiers, and much more

11 Defense What advances in technology drove his quest for resources? What other motivations for his behavior are there? What was the prevailing attitude of the day regarding slavery? What was the outlook on imperialism?

12 Defense What drives Leopold to harvest Congo? Could advances in technology have gone as far without rubber and other inventions dependent on it? What price do we pay as the human race for the advancement of technology Was the movement of ideas and people in and out of the Congo good or bad for its advancement or lack of?

13 Defense BE SPECIFIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ◦Places, times, events, people, names, movements, attempts to stop his activities, and much more

14 Leopold guilty or absolved

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