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The Holy Spirit Chapter 12. The Holy Spirit’s Mission  Third person of the Holy Trinity.  Also known as the Holy Ghost – changed due to a change in.

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1 The Holy Spirit Chapter 12

2 The Holy Spirit’s Mission  Third person of the Holy Trinity.  Also known as the Holy Ghost – changed due to a change in the use of language.  Some Key Scriptural References:  Genesis 1:1-2 – the “wind/spirit of God swept over the face of the waters.” (wind – ruah – from the Hebrew which means breath or spirit.)  Old Testament – “spirit of God” associated with prophecy, or God speaking through the prophets.  New Testament  Gospel of Luke – sometimes referred to as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit, contains many references to the Holy Spirit.  Some examples -- Baptism of Jesus (3:22), Annunciation (1:35)  Mission of the Holy Spirit – sent by God the Father and the Son to continue Christ’s work of salvation and transforming the world. He is the Advocate – who guides and transforms us.

3 Homework  Attend a daily Mass/Communion during Lent. Monday to Friday in the school chapel. Get a pass from the priest or deacon.  Test on Chapter 11 and 12, Tuesday (March 17)

4 The Holy Spirit and Pentecost  Read Acts 2:2-8  This event is called Pentecost – is celebrated 50 days after Easter; referred as the “birthday of the church” – when the disciples were given the gift the Holy Spirit to live-out and preach the Gospel.  The Holy Spirit works through the Church to reveal Christ and His mission to the world.  Therefore, the work of the Spirit and the work of the Church are fused together. Without the Spirit, the Church would simply become just another social agency.

5 Titles and Symbols of the Holy Spirit  The titles and symbols can help us understand the work of the Spirit in the Church.  Paraclete (Παρακλετοσ) – means Advocate, Helper, Comforter – who “stands by our side”, to help us defend and live out or faith in Christ.  Other titles and descriptions found in Scriptures – Spirit of Christ, Promise of the Spirit, Spirit of Adoption.  Symbols associated with the Holy Spirit:  Water – HS’s action in Baptism  Fire – signifies the transforming energy of the HS (ex: tongues of fire).  Cloud and light – Symbolizes the glory God revealed and hidden.  Dove – In all four Gospels, the HS spirit is portrayed descending on Jesus at his Baptism in a form of a dove.  Anointing – symbolizes the power of the Spirit being poured out on the person.  Laying on of hands – people received the HS when the apostles laid hands on then.

6 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are seven gifts given by God to Christians, especially at Confirmation, to help them lead a good and holy life. See Luke 11:2-3.  The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit:  Wisdom – we see God’s work in the events of our lives and the world.  Understanding – we recognize the right way to live as disciples of the Lord.  Right Judgment – we know what is right and wrong, and we are able to choose good.  Courage – someone who is willing to stand up for what is right even if it means rejection, abuse, harm, and death.  Knowledge – we understand what God has revealed to us in Christ and Scripture.  Reverence – a person who possesses a deep sense of respect for God and his Church.  Wonder and Awe – we are aware of the glory and majesty of God.

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