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symphyses between vertebral bodies (n=2 one above, and one below) synovial joints between articular processes (n=4, two above and two below)

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2 symphyses between vertebral bodies (n=2 one above, and one below) synovial joints between articular processes (n=4, two above and two below)

3 Spinal nerve leaving out the vertebral column through the intervertebral foramen formed between arches of two adjacent vertebrae

4 . Superior articular process Inferior articular process Plane

5 . UNCOVERTEBRAL JOINTS (LUSCHKA’S JOINTS) Unci of the bodies of C3 or 4 C6 or 7 vertebrae

6 . between the laminae of adjacent vertebrae tectorial membrane

7 . condyloidAtlanto-occipital Yes, nodding+lateral flexion & rotation Anterior/Posterior atlanto-occipital membranes connects the anterior arch of the atlas to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum. connects the posterior arch of the atlas to the posterior margin of the foramen magnum.

8 . Atlanto-axial JOINTS No Plane Pivot Plane

9 . Atlanto-axial JOINTS No Plane Pivot Plane

10 . Tectorial membrane (superior continuation of the posterior longitudinal ligament) Cruciate ligament Apical ligament-under the superior longitudinal band of the cruciate ligament from the apex of the odontoid process to the anterior margin of the foramen magnum Alar ligament from odontoid process to the medial sides of the occipital condyles

11 .

12 Pelvic outlet (inferior pelvic aperture)  pubic arch  pubic arch anteriorly  ischial tuberosities  ischial tuberosities laterally  sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments  sacrotuberous and sacrospinous ligaments posterolaterally  tip of the coccyx posteriorly

13 . Circular opening between abdominal cavity & pelvic cavity Formed pubic symphysis Anteriorly by pubic symphysis sacrum (promontory in the middle) Posteriorly by sacrum (promontory in the middle) iliopectineal line [border of iliopubic eminence] Laterally by iliopectineal line [border of iliopubic eminence]

14 . Part of the pelvis superior to the pelvic inlet bounded by iliac alae iliac alae posterolaterally anterosuperior aspect of the S1 anterosuperior aspect of the S1 posteriorly Occupied by abdominal viscera ileum and sigmoid colon.

15 between pelvic inlet & pelvic outlet bounded by pelvic surfaces of the hip bones, sacrum, and coccyx. perineum includes true pelvic cavity & deep parts of the perineum. Major obstetrical and gynecological significance.

16 Weight from the axial skeleton: Sacroiliac ligaments Sacroiliac ligaments ilia Femurs –during standing- Ischial tuberosities –during sitting- Sacrum is actually suspended between the iliac bones Firmly attached to iliac bones by posterior and interosseous sacroiliac ligaments.

17 41% of women male or funnel-shaped pelvis with a contracted outlet long, narrow, and oval shaped wide pelvis 2% of women

18 FeatureMale pelvisFemale pelvis General Structure Thick & Heavy Thin & Light Greater pelvis Deep Shallow Lesser pelvis Narrow and deep, tapering Wide and shallow, cylindirical Pelvic inletHeart-shaped, narrowOval and rounded, wide Pelvic outletComparatively smallComparatively large Ischial spines Project further medially into the pelvic cavity Do not project as far medially into the pelvic cavity & smooth

19 FeatureMale pelvisFemale pelvis Obturator foramen RoundOval AcetabulumLargeSmall Greater schiatic notch Narrow, inverted V (approximately 70 degrees) Almost 90 degrees Subpubic angle Smaller (50-60 degrees) Larger (80-85 degrees) Sacral promontory ProminentNot prominent



22 Diagonal conjugate (from inferior pubic lig. to promontory) sacral promontory inferior margin of the pubic symphysis Measured by palpating sacral promontory with the tip of the middle finger, using the other hand to mark the level of the inferior margin of the pubic symphysis on the examining hand. After the examining hand is withdrawn, the distance between the tip of the index finger (1.5 cm shorter than the middle finger) and the marked level of the pubic symphysis is measured to estimate the true conjugate, which should be 11.0 cm or greater.

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