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Pectoral and Pelvic Girdle and Limbs. Pectoral Girdle Includes 2 clavicles & 2 scapula Forms incomplete ring Provides attachment for muscles that move.

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Presentation on theme: "Pectoral and Pelvic Girdle and Limbs. Pectoral Girdle Includes 2 clavicles & 2 scapula Forms incomplete ring Provides attachment for muscles that move."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pectoral and Pelvic Girdle and Limbs

2 Pectoral Girdle Includes 2 clavicles & 2 scapula Forms incomplete ring Provides attachment for muscles that move arms Clavicles - 2 rodlike bones b/t sternum & scapula Scapula – 2 broad, triangular- shaped bones; has 2 projections: coracoid process acromion process

3 Bones of the Upper Limb humerus – upper arm radius – forearm; thumb side ulna – longer than radius; has olecranon process – elbow

4 Bones of the Wrist & Hand Carpals – bones of the wrist (8) Metacarpals – bones of the hand (5) Phalanges – digits (14/hand)

5 Carpals – 8 bones 2 rows of 4 bones: A - scaphoid B - lunate C - triquetrum D - pisiform E - trapezium F - trapezoid G - capitate H - hamate Sally Left The Party To Take Cindy Home.

6 Pelvic Girdle Includes 2 coxal bones (hipbones), sacrum & coccyx (forms posterior wall) Supports trunk Provides attachment for lower limbs Protects int. organs

7 Pelvic Girdle - continued Coxal bones consist of 3 fused bones: illium, ischium & pubis Sacroiliac joint – junction of ilium & sacrum Sacral promontory – slight projection of 1 st sacral vertebrae Pubic arch – angle of pubic bones Symphysis pubis – junction of 2 pubic bones

8 Pelvic Girdle - continued Acetabulum – depression for femur Ischial spines – projection on posterior surface of ischium Iliac crest – flared portion of ilium

9 Male vs. Female Pelvis Female Structure (All related to female pelvis functioning as a birth canal): Iliac bones more flared Angle of pubic arch greater > distance b/t ischial spines Sacral curvature shorter & wider Bones lighter

10 Bones of the Lower Limbs Femur – thigh bone w/trochanter Tibia – shin bone; medial side & larger;has medial malleolus Fibula – smaller & non-wt. bearing; has lateral malleolus

11 Tarsals & Metatarsals Tarsals – ankle bones (7) Metatarsals (5) Phalanges (14) Tarsals – 7 bones: calcaneous talus navicular cuboid medial cuneiform intermediate cuneiform lateral cuneiform Cindy Took New Chemistry Courses

12 Tarsals & Metatarsals – Lateral view


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