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Published byCordelia Allison Modified over 9 years ago
Practical issues, History taking & Clinical examination in O&G
Hervinder Kaur Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, UHCW Obstetric & Gynaecology Lead for Warwick Medical School
LEARNING OBJECTIVES To develop the basic clinical skills of history taking, clinical examination and case presentation in O & G. To obtain knowledge of the common clinical problems in O & G. ANC : Booking visit : History taking Investigations ( booking bloods & scan) Down’s syndrome screening Health promotion advice- smoking, alcohol, drug abuse & diet Management plan High/Low risk pregnancy?
Examination of pregnant women Pre eclampsia, IUGR, Large for dates , polyhydramnios, breech/ transverse lie, twins , previous caesarean, grand multiparous , Obesity & placenta previa Medical disorder- Diabetes , thyroid problems, essential HTN, Cardiac, renal, drug misuse, Hepatitis/HIV. Pre-operative counselling for C-section Emergency Obstetric Admissions Abdominal pain Preterm labour/ SROM Ante/postpartum bleeding Pre eclampsia/ Eclampsia
Obstetric Day Assessment Unit
Antenatal fetal assessment- CTG, USS (growth/liquor/doppler) Maternal assessment-BP/urine, blood test (PET, GTT) Labour Ward Induction of labour Management/Complications of labour Normal deliveries Fetal Monitoring in labour Pain relief in labour Instrumental deliveries & Caesarean section- elective/emergency Twins Preterm labour HDU care- PPH, Severe pre eclampsia/eclampsia
EPAU Early pregnancy scan Miscarriage Ectopic pregnancy Molar pregnancy GOPD History taking Gynaecological examination-abdomen, pelvis (speculum, digital bimanual) Investigation & management of menstural abnormalities Investigation & management of pelvic pain/endometriosis
Diagnosis & management of menopause
Urogynae clinic-Management of prolapse & incontinence Infertility clinic- Management of male & female infertility Oncology –Management/follow-up of gynae cancer & management of abnormal smear (colposcopy clinic) GUM clinic Obtain sexual lifestyle history Understand relevance of confidentiality and being non-judgmental. Genital examination and swabs from couple STD- diagnosis & treatment Pre/post test counselling for HIV
Community Home visits - Postnatal examination (caesarean scar, perineal tears) Pre eclapmsia surveillance Community midwife ANC
1. A normal pregnancy delivery and puerperium 2. Antepartum/postpartum haemorrhage 3. An abnormality of fetal growth and development 4. Pre-eclampsia 5. Medical disease complicating pregnancy 6. Multiple pregnancy 7. Abnormal labour 8. A third stage abnormality
Gynaecology 1. Menstural disorder 2. Endometriosis 3. Prolapse
4. Incontinence 5. Infertility 6. Postmenopausal bleeding 7. Early pregnancy complication
Obstetric History Age Gravidity
Parity- (Preg>24 wks)+(Preg< 24wks) LMP; menstural cycle; conceived on pill; EDD History of this pregnacy : Presenting complaints- when did they occur & how long they lasted, any investigation or treatment already ? Low/high risk pregnancy? Any problems in antenatal care so far ? Fetal movements
Obstetric History Previous pregnancy: - Previous miscarriages
- Gestation & mode of delivery - Length of labour & complications - Third stage complications - Postnatal problems Medical & surgical history Drug history & allergies Family history- hereditary disorders, HTN,DM, twins or congenital malformation Social history- smoking, alcohol, drug misuse, occupation, housing & marital status
Examination Consent, explanation & beware of supine hypotension
General examination -Colour -Hand, eyes & mouth -Presence of oedema -BP & Urine -CVS & Respiratory system examination
Abdominal Examination
Inspection: abdominal scars striae gravidarum linea nigra oedema
Abdominal palpation alpation of pregnant abdomen: P Four maneuvers
Examination of uterine fundus Symphysio- fundal height(cm) Fetal back Presenting part e.g vertex, breech 4. Engagement of presenting part Four maneuvers of leopold
Lie of Fetus Lie: relationship of long. axis of fetus to long.axis
of uterus e.g longitudinal, transverse, oblique Longitudinal lie Transverse lie
Presentation of fetus Presentation: presenting part of fetus
occupying the lower pole of uterus i.e ceph(vertex), breech,face,brow or shoulder
Female bony pelvis Pelvic diameters: Anterio-posterior Transverse
Right Side Left side Pelvic diameters: Anterio-posterior Transverse Oblique
Abdominal Examination
Left Occipito- anterior Left Occipito- posterior Position: Relation of denominator (occiput/ sacrum) of presenting part to the quadrants of pelvis e.g LOA,LOP
Abdominal Examination
G Engagement: Widest diameter of head below the pelvic brim. No. of 5th head palpable above the pelvic brim e.g 4/5th , 3/5th Amniotic fluid Auscultation: FETAL HEART
Fetal skull s
Bregma Occiput Mentum Presenting diameters: g) Face presentation Submento-bregmatic h) Deflexed OP Occipito-frontal i) Brow presentation Occipito-mental j) Normal vertex Sub-occipito bregmatic Parts of fetal skull: Occipital bone Posterior fontanella Saggital suture Frontal bone Anterior fontanelle Parietal bone
Vaginal Examination Vulva & vagina
Cervix-dilatation ,effacement, position & consistency Presenting part i.e Vertex Station-cm in relation to the ischial spine Caput-swelling on the scalp superficial to periosteum of cranium ,as a result of venous congestion, on the part of head most in advance Moulding- Overriding of the bones of skull Membranes & Liquor
Vaginal Examination s Station -3 Station +3 Station- position of presenting part (PP) in cm in relation to the ischial spine
Mechanism of labour LOA position: Free head Descent & engagement
Descent & Flexion Internal rotation Extension External rotation Restitution Delivery of shoulder
Useful website for medical illustration
Nucleus Medical Media Normal vaginal delivery anim002 Normal vaginal birth ANC00030 Delivery ANC00037 Birth station of presentation ANC00038 Change in cervix during pregnancy S
Gynaecological History
Age, Gravidity, Parity, LMP Contraception Last cervical smear Presenting complaints: Nature & duration Relation to menstrual cycle Bowel symptoms Urinary symptoms Vaginal discharge Vaginal bleeding
Gynaecological History
Previous Gynaecological & Obstetric History: PID/STI Endometriosis Previous miscarriages / preg<24 wks Ectopic pregnancy Pregnancies>24 wks & outcome
History cont…. Medical Surgical
Family history- Fibroids, endometriosis, cancers, DVT/PE Medications Allergies Social History
Examination General- Conjunctiva, pulse Abdomen:
Inspection- distension of abdomen mass previous scar Palpation- tenderness mass( size, consistency) ascites lymph nodes Percussion Auscultation
Vaginal Examination Vulva Speculum (Cusco’s & Sim’s)
- vagina (atrophy, mass, trauma, prolapse) - cervix (ectropion, polyp, growth, contact bleeding, - uterine prolapse Bimanual pelvic exam. – uterine/ adenexal masses tenderness
Competencies (Mandatory)
Examination of pregnant abdomen Examination of non-pregnant abdomen Speculum(Cusco’s speculum) examination
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