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1 John 2:18-28. The Apostle John calls believers to… Remain in “the word of Life” 1:2 “walk in the light” 1:7 “walk in the same way in which He (Jesus)

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Presentation on theme: "1 John 2:18-28. The Apostle John calls believers to… Remain in “the word of Life” 1:2 “walk in the light” 1:7 “walk in the same way in which He (Jesus)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 John 2:18-28

2 The Apostle John calls believers to… Remain in “the word of Life” 1:2 “walk in the light” 1:7 “walk in the same way in which He (Jesus) walked” 2:5-6 Ultimately, the Apostle John calls Christians to remain in Christ!

3 Barna Research polled 2,000 “so-called” Christians and found… 39% believed Christ did sin. 58% did not believe the Holy Spirit was the person of God. The Church and Christ follower is under siege, no difference from the 1 st century Christians!

4 1 John 2:18-19 John adopts a pastoral tone; Uses “Children” to denote believers “it is the last hour”-the proof is that antichrists are in the world Antichrist(s)-those who teach false doctrine, disrupt the church; Opponents of Christ, opponents of God in any/all disguises and mask.

5 1 John 2:20-23 “Chisma (Holy Spirit)”-found only 2x in the New Testament. Christians have the Holy Spirit or “Spirit of Truth” to aid us in confronting false teachers.

6 Abide used 3x; reinforces the message remain in the truth, the gospel. Reassures Christians of what we have been given; A redeemer Jesus Christ! Reminds the believer to remain faithful.

7 1 John 2:27-28 Captures essence of entire text: Remain in Christ! The Christian rest in Scripture and the Holy Spirit. We can have, “confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming”. V.28

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