Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever DIAGNOSIS Hervé Zeller National Reference Center - WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers,

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Presentation on theme: "Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever DIAGNOSIS Hervé Zeller National Reference Center - WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever DIAGNOSIS Hervé Zeller National Reference Center - WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, Institut Pasteur, Lyon

2 Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Flaviviridae (dengue, yellow fever, Groupe TBE)

3 Arenaviridae (Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito) Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Flaviviridae (dengue, yellow fever, Groupe TBE)

4 Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) Arenaviridae (Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito) Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Flaviviridae (dengue, yellow fever, Groupe TBE)

5 Filoviridae (Ebola, Marburg) Arenaviridae (Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito) Bunyaviridae (CCHF, RVF, Hantaviruses) Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers Flaviviridae (dengue, yellow fever, Groupe TBE) Envelopped RNA viruses

6 FamilyGenus VIRUS DISTRIBUTION FlaviviridaeFlavivirusYellow FeverAfrica South America Dengue 1,2,3,4. Tropical areas Omsk HFRussia AlkhurmaSaudi Arabia Kyasanur Forest HFIndia BunyaviridaePhlebovirusRift Valley FeverAfrica, Saudi Arabia Nairovirus Crimean-Congo HF Africa, Eurasia HantavirusHantan Dobrava Puumala Eurasia Sin Nombre, AndesAmericas

7 Hemorrhages are inconstant : Emerging part of the iceberg …Most frequently asymptomatic infections +++

8 Biosafety Issues Related to Haemorrhagic Fever Viruses Criteria for classification –Disease severity –Transmissibility to laboratory workers –Availability of treatment –Availability of vaccine Classification BSL 1 to BSL4

9 CCHF VIABILITY SENSITIVITY TO DESINFECTANTS: sodium hypochlorite 2%, glutaraldehyde 2%, formaldehyde SENSITIVE TO DESSICATION INACTIVATION : IRRADIATION UV TEMPERATURE : 1 hour 60°C not complete inactivation beta propiolactone 4°C not complete inactivation Triton X100

10 S M L N G1 G2 10 nm Nairovirus structure L

11 CCHF Nairovirus genome _____________________________________________ SegmentNucleotidesAmino acids Protein _____________________________________________ S1659-1712442-482 N M48881551 G1 G2 NSm? L122554036 L? _____________________________________________


13 Malaria – Hepatitis – Typhoidis – Toxicosis Septicemia – Leptospirosis Rickettsiosis…

14 VHF SUSPECT CASE Epidemiological data, risk evaluation biological analysis, differential diagnostic Malaria – Hepatitis – Typhoidis – Toxicosis Septicemia – Leptospirosis Rickettsiosis…

15 VHF SUSPECT CASE Contact between clinicians and biologists Epidemiological data, risk evaluation biological analysis, differential diagnostic Malaria – Hepatitis – Typhoidis – Toxicosis Septicemia – Leptospirosis Rickettsiosis…

16 CCHF : laboratory data LEUCOPENIA, particularly neutropenia THROMBOCYTOPENIA Hematocrite increases early then falls down ASL, AST levels increases Proteinuria and hematuria Mild azotemia, bilirubine increase

17 Viral detection: blood specimen –RT-PCR (nested) – Cell culture (Vero E6 cells) CCHF : laboratory diagnosis

18 Viral detection: (blood specimen) –RT-PCR (nested) – Cell culture (Vero E6 cells) Antibody detection : (serum sample) -IFA -ELISA IgM (immuno-capture) IgG -NT CCHF : laboratory diagnosis

19 Viremia 10-12 days (although afebrile). Can be detected by PCR up to day 16 By day 9 all patients will have IgM or IgG antibody Information needed : DATE OF ONSET OF FEVER

20 viremia 5 IgM RT-PCR ELISA IgM IgG IFA CCHF : viral/antibody kinetics Viral isolation 010 IgG 16 IgM duration: 2-3 months up to 6 months…

21 Primers for RT-PCR on S segment From J. Smith, 1990

22 RT-PCR /Southern blot hybridization/antibody : retrospective study From Burt et al, J Virol Methods 1998, 70:129- 137 Day of illness PCR + Virus + PCR + Virus - PCR - Virus + PCR - virus -Ab + Total tested 31113 411 1 2 53235 65343815 75489 812477 95156 10333 11121155 121122 1314388 1441388 152133 16 2 133 18111 Total18346226580

23 RT-PCR /Southern blot hybridization/IFA antibody : 26 samples from 19 patients from day 3-12 of illness From : Burt et al, J Virol Methods 1998, 70:129-137 day of illness PCR + Virus + PCR + Virus - PCR - Virus + PCR - virus - IFA Ab + Total tested 311 411 511 64125 731155 861289 9222 10 11111 12111 Total141381926

24 Hyalomma sp. ticks RT-PCR Viral isolation

25 DUGBE AP 92 AnD 15786 ArD 8194 ArTeh 193-3 HD 49199 ArMg 951 C 68031 ArB 604 HD 38562 ArD 39554 ArD 97264 ArD 97268 HAZARA 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 2 2 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 1 3 1 Grèce Sénégal Mauritanie Iran Madagascar Chine Rép. Centrafr. Burkina Faso ORIGINEPROFIL RFLP (100) (96) (100) (99) (100) (84) (57) 536 pb amplicons of the S fragment of CCHF genome using primers CSDR3/CSDF2. RFLP with Hinf I, Hae III, and Alu I endonucleases Rapport IP Dakar 1993

26 Phylogenetic analysis of 46 partial sequences (219 bp) of the S segment of CCHF virus Turkey 2003

27 Phylogenetic analysis of 46 partial sequences (219 bp) of the S segment of CCHF virus. Seven major genetic groups. Strains from the Middle and Far East and from different African regions cluster in clearly separated groups. TURKEY 2003 Preliminary data: 96-98% homology with strains from the Balck Sea area and Kosovo KOSOVO AF404507; STAVROPOL AF481802 ; DROSDOV U88412 ; ROSTOV AY277672 Drostein et al, J Clin Microbiol 2002, 40 1122

28 National Reference Center - WHO Collaborating Centre for Arboviruses and Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers, Institut Pasteur, Lyon Marie-Claude Georges Isabelle Schuffenecker Ingrid Marendat Séverine Murri Hervé Zeller BSL 4 BSL 3

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