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We’ve Got the Wright Stuff Mary Wendland Title 1 Coordinator.

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Presentation on theme: "We’ve Got the Wright Stuff Mary Wendland Title 1 Coordinator."— Presentation transcript:

1 We’ve Got the Wright Stuff Mary Wendland Title 1 Coordinator

2 Writing is a Process 1 Scribbling and Drawing Scribbling looks like random assortment of marks on a child's paper. Sometimes the marks are large, circular, and random, and resemble drawing. Although the marks do not resemble print, they are significant because the young writer uses them to show ideas. YOU CAN HELP BY HAVING YOUR CHILD DEVELOP THE PINCER GRASP BY PICKING UP OBJECTS WITH FINGERS OR TWEEZERS

3 2 Letter-like Symbols Letter-like forms emerge, sometimes randomly placed, and are interspersed with numbers. The children can tell about their own drawings or writings. In this stage, spacing is rarely present. YOU CAN HELP BY HAVING YOUR CHILD DESCRIBE HIS OR HER PICTURE TO YOU AND WRITE BEGINNING SOUNDS. PLAY PHONEMIC AWARENESS GAMES TO DEMONSTRATE LETTER SOUND RELATIONSHIPS.

4 3 Early Emergent In the strings-of-letters phase, children write some legible letters that tell us they know more about writing. Children are developing awareness of the sound- to- symbol relationship, although they are not matching most sounds. Children usually write in capital letters and have not yet begun spacing. YOU CAN HELP BY HAVING YOUR CHILD WRITE BEGINNING AND ENDING SOUNDS AND MAKE MOCK LISTS. CONTINUE TO HAVE THEM LABEL PICTURES DRAWN OR MAGAZINE PICTURES

5 4 Emergent At this stage, children begin to see the differences between a letter and a word, but they may not use spacing between words. Their message makes sense and matches the picture, especially when they choose the topic.

6 5 Transitional: invented spelling creates own spelling when conventional spelling is not known one letter may represent an entire syllable words may overlay may not use proper spacing as writing matures, more words are spelled conventionally as writing matures, perhaps only one or two letters invented or omitted

7 6: Conventional usually resembles adult writing Key Point: READING AND WRITING SHOULD DEVELOP SIMULTANEOUSLY

8 Different Types of Writing Poems Fiction Expository Narrative Persuasive Argument Summarizing Letter Writing Literary Response Text Evidence

9 Misconceptions About Writing Spelling doesn’t matter because I have spell check. Every piece of writing should be detailed and lengthy. I don’t have to go back and reread for errors. I should point out every mistake my child makes so that he or she will stop doing it. Writing is independent and not related to oral language

10 What is my child expected to do in school? Write to topic Explain thinking and concepts through written word Self edit Use research materials Validate information using multiple resources Implement spelling rules and knowledge Use variations in punctuation

11 What Role Does Writing Play in the SBAC Students will have to be familiar with accessing online resources. Students will have to be able to write to a topic with correct spelling without relying on spell check Students will have to be confident in TYPING

12 Encourage Your Child To Send emails to family members Journal Make lists Model READ! READ! READ!

13 Changes You Want to Know About…. This year only 5 th grade will be taking the state science test and receiving scores. 3 rd through 5 th grade will be piloting the SBAC which means they take it, but do not receive scores Next year, 3 rd through 5 th will take the SBAC and receive scores. Scores were always only one part of the equation so we will still rely on district benchmarks and classroom summative assessments to determine student performance levels.

14 California State Testing 5 th grade Science only April 29-May 1 Attendance is very important Arrive to school on time Get plenty of rest Eat a healthy breakfast full of protein Donations of healthy snacks welcome CST Released Questions

15 Smarter Balance Testing Pilot March 18-21, 5 th grade March 24-27, 4 th grade April 8 and 9, 4 th grade room 26 April 14-17, 3 rd grade Common Core State Standards Computer Adaptive Technology English Language Arts and Literacy Math

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