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Reasons for CCP’s Victory AND KMT’s Defeat. Leadership The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 1) The CCP’s leadership was excellent at all levels Faithful.

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Presentation on theme: "Reasons for CCP’s Victory AND KMT’s Defeat. Leadership The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 1) The CCP’s leadership was excellent at all levels Faithful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reasons for CCP’s Victory AND KMT’s Defeat

2 Leadership The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 1) The CCP’s leadership was excellent at all levels Faithful Supporters of Mao Zedong from the Long March(1934-35) Strong spirit of brotherhood and unity Cooperated effectively in Military actions 2) CCP chose their followers on merit (real ability) 3) In the battlefield, the CCP generals had a wide scope of powers to make the most suitable decision

3 Leadership The Kuo Ming Tang (KMT) 1) KMT generals were corrupt and divided Personal rivalries made cooperation against the CCP impossible. 2) Chiang Kai-shek only chose his men only for their personal loyalty to him Lead to many generals to be inefficient and cowardly 3) Generals had to wait for Chiang’s orders before action could be taken Delayed military action and many errors do his ignorance for military advise.

4 4) Chiang was highly suspicious of his followers Really able and experienced commanders were distrusted Often recalled and replace commanders of his army 5) Corruption was widespread within the KMT leadership Some generals even stole and sold government properties to the CCP Leadership

5 Strategy CCP The CCP’s military strategy was successful It was fast, moving guerrilla warfare and was modern and revolutionary Efforts of destruction were focused on the central and most efficient troops led by Chiang Kai-Shek Divided the enemy units before destroying them one by one at KMT’s weakest points through surprise attacks

6 Strategy KMT The KMT was greedy for territories Chiang Kai-Shek did not seem to follow any long-term plan Tried to blindly occupy the largest expanse of Chinese territories, not focusing on the strength of the CCP Lead to KMT troops spread thinly along communication lines and in the cities Allowed communists to move freely about in the countryside

7 Strategy KMT Also lacked experience unlike the CCP (from the 2 nd Sino Japanese War) Chiang ignorant of his American advisers and made many serious mistakes The KMT’s Secrecy about its strategic plans were also not well kept

8 Morale CCP The soldiers fought bravely Filled with a sense of mission : The unavoidable final victory of communism Shared a common revolutionary experience and have a common ideal to fight (and die) for Also, most troops were recruited from the north – in this way they fought to defend what they regarded as their homeland (patriotism) High Morale

9 Morale KMT Soldiers were badly paid and fed Training and discipline were poor Soldiers found it meaningless to fight, especially with harsh treatment from the KMT government Unfamiliar surrounding of North China Morale was low Resulted in Large number of KMT soldiers going over to the CCP’s side – support gained via re-education KMT Govt.

10 Social Factors - Peasants CCP Broad support from the peasants Treated the peasants in captured areas well like their own family Many peasants volunteered to join the Communist troops KMT Lack of social support Neglected welfare of peasants and treated them badly Unfair conscription – Only peasants and faced harsh conditions in the army More died of starving Lack of training further increased their casualties

11 Social Factors – Other Social Classes The KMT depended heavily on the middle class, gentry landlords and city merchants for support Serious inflation and KMT corruption led to the KMT being abandoned. KMT

12 Political Factors The CCP succeeded in building up a reputation of an honest government during the 8-year war with Japan and after it However, the KMT government had lost much of the people’s confidence as it did not fulfill a government’s responsibility

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