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If a fluid flows from a fire hydrant to a fire. Where is the high pressure located? How do you know? 3-1 5 pts.

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Presentation on theme: "If a fluid flows from a fire hydrant to a fire. Where is the high pressure located? How do you know? 3-1 5 pts."— Presentation transcript:

1 If a fluid flows from a fire hydrant to a fire. Where is the high pressure located? How do you know? 3-1 5 pts

2 Where is atmospheric pressure least? – At the ocean – where an airplane cruises – In a mountainside city – at the outer edge of the atmosphere 3-1 5 pts

3 The buoyant force acting on the duck is _________________. The weight of the displaced water is ____________. 35N 30 N 3-2 10 pts

4 An object does this when its weight is the same as its buoyant force. 3-2 10 pts

5 Define water pressure 3-1 5 pts

6 A camera sitting on your desk has an area of.73 m 2 and weighs 5.5N. What is the pressure exerted by the camera on your desk? 3-1 15 pts

7 Will an object with a density of 1.1 g/mL float or sink in fresh water? Why? 3-2 5 pts

8 What is the SI unit for pressure called? 3-1 5 pts

9 Fish consume oxygen gas in the water and expel carbon dioxide out their mouth. This carbon dioxide comes out in the form of a bubble. Explain why the bubble is round. 3-1 15 pts

10 Aluminum has a density of 2.7 g/cm 3. If a block of aluminum is cut in half, what will be the density of each piece of aluminum? Why? 3-2 15 pts

11 Which of the following statements best describes why rain drops fall to the ground from a cloud? – A fluid can flow and take the shape of its’ container. – Air is about 1,000 times less dense than water. – Fluids flow from low to high pressure 3-1 10 pts

12 The amount of matter in a given volume, or mass per unit volume. 3-2 5 pts

13 After a ship wreck, buried treasure sank to the bottom of the ocean. Explain why it sank according to buoyant force. 3-2 10 pts

14 Fluids have characteristic properties that allow you to identify them. List three properties of fluids. 3-1 5 pts

15 You are asked to find the identity of an unknown substance. You are given the objects weight, mass, density and volume. Which piece of information would best be used to help you identify the substance? 3-2 10 pts

16 Scientifically, explain why things are sucked into a tornado. 3-1 10 pts

17 Which of the following would affect the level at which a row boat floats in a body of water? Give all correct answers: – depth of the water – number of people in the canoe – shape of the canoe – density of the canoe’s material 3-2 10 pts

18 You are given a solid ball of clay. You are instructed to make the clay float. You must use all of the clay. What do you do? 3-2 5 pts

19 This explains why a rock that displaces 5N of water has a buoyant force of 5N. – Pascal’s Principle – Bernoulli’s Principle – Newton’s Principle – Archimedes’ Principle 3-2 10 pts

20 What substance is less dense than air? How do you know? 3-2 5 pts

21 Emily and her partner are performing a science lab. They are given the density of 6 different objects. How do you know which objects will sink or float in water? 3-2 10 pts

22 An object with a weight of 75 N and a buoyant force of 75N will ______________. 3-2 5 pts

23 Explain why your ears pop when you go up in an air plane. Be specific. 3-1 10 pts

24 An object that has a greater weight than its’ buoyant force will__________________. 3-2 5 pts

25 Define a fluid 3-1 5 pts

26 What type(s) of pressure are acting on the characters in the scene below? 3-1 10 pts

27 The amount of force on a given area. 3-1 5 pts

28 The upward force that fluids exert on all matter. 3-1 5 pts

29 What is the density of water? 3-2 5 pts

30 Explain how water pressure changes as depth changes. 3-1 5 pts

31 Calculate the density of an object that has a mass of 73g and a volume of 24 cm 3. 3-2 15 pts

32 A carton of ice cream weighs 18N. It displaces a volume of water that weighs 13N. What is the buoyant force on the object? 3-2 15 pts

33 Explain the exchange in pressure that occurs when you breathe. 3-1 15 pts

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