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The Plasma Membrane and Homeostasis Homeostasis – Maintaining a Balance.

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2 The Plasma Membrane and Homeostasis

3 Homeostasis – Maintaining a Balance

4 Homeostasis Keep the proper concentration of nutrients and water Eliminate wastes The plasma membrane is selectively permeable

5 Structure of a Cell Membrane

6 Structure of the Plasma Membrane Lipid bilayer –two sheets of phospholipids –Found around the cell, the nucleus, vacuoles, mitochondria, and chloroplasts. –Embedded with proteins –strengthened with cholesterol

7 What’s a Phospholipid?

8 Pair of fatty acid chains Phosphate group Attached to a glycerol backbone. Polar heads face out Nonpolar fatty acids face inside.

9 Cellular Transport - Passive

10 Passive transport – no energy is needed to move particles. Diffusion – particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Facilitated diffusion – embedded proteins act as tunnels allowing particles to “fall” through Continues until an equilibrium is reached.

11 Osmosis

12 Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane. Occurs until water is balanced on both sides of the membrane. Water MovesCellSolution InHypertonicHypotonic outHypotonicHypertonic No NetIsotonic

13 What’s the Point??

14 Cell Concentrations Hypertonic solutions – more dissolved solute. Hypotonic solutions – less dissolved solute. Isotonic solutions – the same dissolved solute.

15 Overcoming Osmosis

16 Contractile vacuoles –expel excess water from bacterial cells that live in water. Turgor pressure –water pressure in a plant cell. –Loss of turgor pressure causes wilting (plasmolysis).

17 Cellular Transport - Active


19 Active transport – Energy is needed to move particles. – This is movement UP the concentration gradient From an area of low concentration to high concentration.

20 Cellular Transport Active transport – energy is needed to move particles. –Carrier proteins – embedded proteins change shape to open and close passages across the membrane. –Endocytosis – taking something into the cell. –Exocytosis – expelling something from the cell.

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