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Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy GM: General Muscle Muscle Cell.

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2 Chapter 9 - Muscles and Muscle Tissue $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100$100$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy GM: General Muscle Muscle Cell. huh? I mean fiber! Russian Dolls! Hans and Franz FINAL ROUND

3 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $100 Question The connective tissue sheath that covers each individual muscle fiber is the ________. a. endomysium b. epimysium c. perimysium d. sarcolemma BACK TO GAME ANSWER

4 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $100 Answer The connective tissue sheath that covers each individual muscle fiber is the ________. a. endomysium b. epimysium c. perimysium d. sarcolemma BACK TO GAME

5 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $200 Question A sheetlike extension of the epimysium is called a(n) ________. a. aponeurosis b. fascicle c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. tendon BACK TO GAME ANSWER

6 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $200 Answer A sheetlike extension of the epimysium is called a(n) ________. a. aponeurosis b. fascicle c. sarcoplasmic reticulum d. tendon BACK TO GAME

7 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $300 Question Thick filaments are found in the ________ of the sarcomere. a. Z disc b. I band c. A band d. All of the above contain thick filaments. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

8 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $300 Answer Thick filaments are found in the ________ of the sarcomere. a. Z disc b. I band c. A band d. All of the above contain thick filaments. BACK TO GAME

9 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $400 Question These are responsible for muscle’s striated appearance. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

10 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $400 Answer What is the A band and I band? BACK TO GAME

11 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $500 Question These are only found in the I band. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

12 Skeletal Muscle Anatomy: $500 Answer What are thin filaments? BACK TO GAME

13 GM General Muscle : $100 Question These are the 3 types of muscle. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

14 The Sliding Filament Theory: $100 Answer What is smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. BACK TO GAME

15 GM General Muscle: $200 Question When a nerve send a message to a muscle, this characteristic of muscle is demonstrated. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

16 The Sliding Filament Theory: $200 Answer What is excitable? (or contractile?) BACK TO GAME

17 GM General Muscle: $300 Question This type of tissue BACK TO GAME ANSWER

18 GM General Muscle: $300 Answer What is smooth muslce? BACK TO GAME

19 GM General Muscle: $400 Question The perimysium wraps this BACK TO GAME ANSWER

20 GM General Muscle: $400 Answer What is a fascicle? BACK TO GAME

21 The Sliding Filament Theory: $500 Question How does calcium reenter the terminal cisternae after muscle contraction is finished? a. Diffusion b. Active transport c. Filtration d. Endocytosis BACK TO GAME ANSWER

22 The Sliding Filament Theory: $500 Answer How does calcium reenter the terminal cisternae after muscle contraction is finished? a. Diffusion b. Active transport c. Filtration d. Endocytosis BACK TO GAME

23 Muscle fiber! : $100 Question Muscle fibers are jam packed with these. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

24 Muscle fiber!: $100 Answer What are myofibrils? BACK TO GAME

25 Muscle fiber!: $200 Question Muscle cells do not undergo this. Thus, Lil Wayne sang about them in his latest hit “6 foot, 7 foot, 1 foot muscle cell (Hey!)” BACK TO GAME ANSWER

26 Muscle Contraction: $200 Answer What is cytokinesis? BACK TO GAME

27 Muscle fiber!: $300 Question These two famous organelles you would find aplenty in a muscle fiber. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

28 Muscle fiber!: $300 Answer What are mitochondria and nuclei? BACK TO GAME

29 Muscle fiber!: $400 Question If a muscle cell is the forest, then ___________ are the trees, and ______________ are the bark leaves and branches. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

30 Muscle fiber!: $400 Answer What are myofibrils and myofilaments? BACK TO GAME

31 Muscle Contraction: $500 Question These two proteins overlap in the A band but not in the H zone. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

32 Muscle fiber!: $500 Answer What is myosin and actin? BACK TO GAME

33 Russian Dolls : $100 Question These are bundles of muscle fibers. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

34 Russian Dolls : $100 Answer What are fascicles? BACK TO GAME

35 Russian Dolls : $200 Question This wraps a muscle fiber and is made of this type of CT. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

36 Russian Dolls: $200 Answer What is endomysium and areolar CT? BACK TO GAME

37 Russian Dolls : $300 Question Actin and myosin are these. BACK TO GAME ANSWER

38 Muscle Metabolism: $300 Answer What are myofilaments? BACK TO GAME

39 Muscle Metabolism: $400 Question Which activity would be most dependent upon creatine? a. Tennis b. Soccer c. Jogging d. Diving BACK TO GAME ANSWER

40 Muscle Metabolism: $400 Answer Which activity would be most dependent upon creatine? a. Tennis b. Soccer c. Jogging d. Diving BACK TO GAME

41 Russian Dolls : $500 Question BACK TO GAME ANSWER Daily Double! Your wager is?

42 Daily double The levels of muscle organization are…

43 Muscle Metabolism: $500 Answer What is Muscle Fascicle Fiber Myofibril Myofilament BACK TO GAME

44 Hanz and Franz: $100 Question Students who do not listen to Mr. Verdi are this? BACK TO GAME ANSWER

45 Hanz and Franz : $100 Answer What is totally flabby? BACK TO GAME

46 Smooth Muscle: $200 Question Smooth muscle cells can contract as a unit due to the presence of __________. a. dense bodies b. gap junctions c. diffuse junctions d. motor end plates BACK TO GAME ANSWER

47 Smooth Muscle: $200 Answer Smooth muscle cells can contract as a unit due to the presence of __________. a. dense bodies b. gap junctions c. diffuse junctions d. motor end plates BACK TO GAME

48 Smooth Muscle: $300 Question Calcium binds to this substance in smooth muscle contraction. a. Troponin b. Calmodulin c. ATP d. Myosin kinase BACK TO GAME ANSWER

49 Smooth Muscle: $300 Answer Calcium binds to this substance in smooth muscle contraction. a. Troponin b. Calmodulin c. ATP d. Myosin kinase BACK TO GAME

50 Smooth Muscle: $400 Question Smooth muscle contains ________ that correspond to the Z discs of skeletal muscle. a. dense bodies b. varicosities c. diffuse junctions d. gap junctions BACK TO GAME ANSWER

51 Smooth Muscle: $400 Answer Smooth muscle contains ________ that correspond to the Z discs of skeletal muscle. a. dense bodies b. varicosities c. diffuse junctions d. gap junctions BACK TO GAME

52 Smooth Muscle: $500 Question What unique characteristic of smooth muscle allows your stomach to stretch as you eat and not contract immediately to expel food? a. Hyperplasia b. Slow contraction c. Single unit contraction d. Stress-relaxation response BACK TO GAME ANSWER

53 Smooth Muscle: $500 Answer What unique characteristic of smooth muscle allows your stomach to stretch as you eat and not contract immediately to expel food? a. Hyperplasia b. Slow contraction c. Single unit contraction d. Stress-relaxation response BACK TO GAME

54 FINAL ROUND Question Which of the following is a characteristic of slow oxidative muscle fibers? a. Large diameter b. Few mitochondria c. High myoglobin content d. Poor blood supply BACK TO GAME ANSWER

55 FINAL ROUND Answer Which of the following is a characteristic of slow oxidative muscle fibers? a. Large diameter b. Few mitochondria c. High myoglobin content d. Poor blood supply BACK TO GAME

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