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Wolf PAC Arizona Who we are, what we’re doing, and why we need you!

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Presentation on theme: "Wolf PAC Arizona Who we are, what we’re doing, and why we need you!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wolf PAC Arizona Who we are, what we’re doing, and why we need you!


3 $ donated to Democrats in 2012 Corporation$ donated to Republicans in 2012 $1.1 million  Wells Fargo  $2.5 million $0.3 million  Exxon Mobil  $2.3 million $396 thousand  Monsanto  $752 thousand $1.5 million  Lockheed Martin  $2.3 million $226 thousand  Corrections Corp  of America $805 thousand $1.3 million  Pfizer Inc.  $1.2 million

4 2012 Industry Spending On Congress You’re not being represented by your government! 3 rd Party: $40,978,198 Democrats: $810,407,265 Republicans: $969,389,920

5 Banking Education Environment Defense Wages Food Healthcare Insurance Prisons State’s Rights Immigration Social Security Media International policy

6 Party affiliation? Ideology? Issues?

7 93% of elections are won by the candidate with the most money

8 Donor Breakdown

9 The top.03%



12 Gave Congress the power to amend 27 amendments to the Constitution Every generation has had an amendment But what if Congress IS the problem?



15 Article V Convention of the States We need 2/3 of the states to call for convention. A place (other than Congress) to discuss solutions to an issue. Any proposed Amendment still has to be ratified by 75% of the states. For when Congress has become unresponsive to the will of the people.


17 So how do we do it? Call/meet your state legislators Attend events Testify at hearings



20 Our progress 2 down 32 to go At least 8 other states have resolutions that are coming up for a vote Wolf PAC Arizona recently got a primary sponsor!!

21 Thank you! Please visit for more info! Or speak with one of our members Get involved!!!

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