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Kangaroos can be very vicious when it comes to protecting their young. If you corner them they will get up on their tail and kick you with their hind.

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2 Kangaroos can be very vicious when it comes to protecting their young. If you corner them they will get up on their tail and kick you with their hind legs. The front paws have big strong nails that can cut open skin. The power they have in their kick can kill you.

3 The brown snakes are a very vicious animal when you tease them. They will bite and kill you if you do not get the anti venom in time. They have enough venom to kill a full grown man. Baby brown snakes are more dangerous because they can not control their venom dose.

4 Emus are very deadly if you steal their eggs. They will chase you down and peck your head and kill you. Even though they can not fly they can use their rock hard beak to peck through hard shells.

5 Blue ringed octopuses are vicious when you torment them and destroy their habitat. They release venom in to their habitat. They live in small rock pools. They are only small as well. No two octopuses are the same. When they are annoyed they have pulsing blue rings like displayed in the photo. They can kill you with their venom in their beak.

6 Tasmanian devils are vicious when you take their young away. They will bite scratch and hurt you in any way they can. They are territorial and they fight with each other and spread deadly diseases.They only live in Tasmania. They have a really powerful jaws that are made to go through bones and flesh.

7 Crocodiles are vicious in swamps when you go swimming they will bite and can death roll and are able to take a limb off. The only time you have to get out of their hold is when they let go to get a better grip on you. There is a lot of them in the northern part of Australia in the hotter regions as well. There are two main species of crocodiles. The salt water crocodile and fresh water crocodile.

8 Made by : Jack and Liam Pictures: Google image Information : Wikipedia Slides : Microsoft power point

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