ESU 11: An Introduction to Social Media: Why this is important for urologists James Catto Editor in Chief European Urology.

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Presentation on theme: "ESU 11: An Introduction to Social Media: Why this is important for urologists James Catto Editor in Chief European Urology."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESU 11: An Introduction to Social Media: Why this is important for urologists James Catto Editor in Chief European Urology

2 1. Digital environment: Website

3 @StacyLoeb

4 1. Digital environment: Website Launched Jan 2014 Full rebuild New search functionality Social media incorporated New functions coming in mid 2014 Reactive design for laptops/tablets/phones

5 Reactive design

6 1. Digital environment: Website

7 1. Digital environment: Digital issue Default format: 2014 Problems with release: – Delay & backlog – Now resolved Problems with circulation: – Emails into spam – Now embedded in website – New server created to solve and send from Little feedback

8 1. Digital environment: Digital issue Default format: 2014 Problems with release: – Delay & backlog – Now resolved Problems with circulation: – Emails into spam – Now embedded in website – New server created to solve and send from Little feedback Cathy image of digi issue please

9 1. Digital environment: Digital issue 11,000 Copies emailed 40-45% opened

10 1. Digital environment: Digital issue

11 1. Digital environment: Social media Present in all environments: Twitter/Facebook/Goog le +/Linkedin etc. Highest KLOUT factor of our peers Highest Social Authority factor of our peers Facebook: >4,500 ‘friends’ 1,334 added in 2013

12 1. Digital environment: Social media Present in all environments: Twitter/Facebook/Goog le +/Linkedin etc. Highest KLOUT factor of our peers Highest Social Authority factor of our peers >3,000 followers 1,000 added in 2013

13 1. Digital environment: Social media Present in all environments: Twitter/Facebook/Goog le +/Linkedin etc. Highest KLOUT factor of our peers Highest Social Authority factor of our peers KLOUT: “Score of social media activity and authority” Jump to 58 at launch of social media campaign (December 2013) Now highest in our field/amongst our peers

14 1. Digital environment: app iTunes April 2014 iPad

15 1. Digital environment: app Manuscripts & content Twitter @EUPlatinum feed ….. Content from EU authors @EUPlatinum mentions International Urology Journal Club Docphin

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