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LCC NRF 14 Certification Process

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1 LCC NRF 14 Certification Process

2 Definitions Evaluation. The structured process of examining activities, capabilities and performance against defined standards or criteria. Validation. The confirmation of the capabilities and performance of organizations, individuals, materiel or systems to meet defined standards or criteria, through the provision of objective evidence. Certification. The process of officially recognizing that organizations, individuals, materiel or systems meet defined standards or criteria.

……The NRF joint evaluation will be done with the OPD in lead by measuring observed performance and resourcesd against joint cirteria…..The joint evaluation for NRF 14 will be conducted during LJL limited to the JFC and the new NRF 14 CC in their joint interaction with the operational level…. During Phase II CRP and Phase III Execution. ……Component commanders are to evaluate their HQ during the LIVEX, CPX or BST, by forming adequate evaluation team(s) and using the relevant volume from ACO Force Standards or other NATO agreed standards…. 3

4 Evaluation & validation
Proces JC L Evaluation & validation Certification LCC Hvert niveau evaluerer og validerer sig selv og underlagte og certificerer overfor foresatte. X II

5 Evaluation teams Der blev etableret to evalueringsteams.
Et team sammensat af PSN fra LCC HQ, som havde til opgave at evaluere/validere LCC underlagte enheder Et team bestående af en række funktionelle specialister fra hærens skoler m.v., som havde til opgave at evaluere HQ centre/celler og give COM LCC grundlaget for at kunne certificere HQ overfor Joint Command Lisbon.

6 Criteria ACO Forces Standards, Vol. VII (CREVAL)
-> Criterias for unit evaluation -> Criterias for COM LCC evaluation of HQ LCC Operational Preparation Directorate Criteria List -> Criterias for OPD evaluation of joint interaction

EX STEADFAST CATHODE Evaluation & Validation of CIS by SHAPE STAFF ASSISTED VISIT BY JC L EX LOYAL LIGHT Evaluation of C2 within LCC by EVAL team COM LCC certifies LCC to Joint Force Commander JC L certifies NRF 14 to SACEUR 2009 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC EX LOYAL JEWEL PHASE 2 B Evaluation of HQ planning process EX LOYAL JEWEL PHASE 3 Evaluation of joint interaction by OPD NATIONAL EVALUATION AND CERTIFICATION OF TROOP CONTRIBUTIONS Evaluerings- validerings- og certificeringsprocessen forløb over det meste af 2009. I APR blev LCC CIS koncept evalueret under en større CIS øvelse, hvor bl.a. interoperabilitet blev evalueret. Under den nationale træningsperiode i 1. halvår af 2009 blev underlagte enheder evalueret nationalt. Det var hensigten at validere denne nationale evaluering, men i praksis fandt dette kun sted i forhold til den baltiske BTN, hvor COM LCC overværede dele af den afsluttende øvelse. I forbindelse med de afsluttende øvelser under NATO Training Period blev der gennem ført en intern evaluering (markeret med rød), hvor det særligt sammensatte evalueringsteam på vegne af COM LCC gennemførte evaluering af HQ LCC interne procedurer. Endvidere gennemførte JC L evaluering støttet af Operational Preparation Directorate og Joint Warfare Centre (markeret med blå) i form af staf assisted visit og deltagelse med evalueringshold under de afsluttende øvelser. Validation by COM LCC

8 Lessons identified Very limited information about subordinate units evaluation programmes reduced the possibility to validate national evaluation ACO Forces Standards Vol. VII is usable for evaluation of LCC HQ – must however be adapted to the procedures and HQ level and requires sound judgement 8

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