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A digital commerce consultancy san francisco ~ new york ~ london ~ chişinău ~ guadalajara Apache Cayenne Object Relational Mapping.

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Presentation on theme: "A digital commerce consultancy san francisco ~ new york ~ london ~ chişinău ~ guadalajara Apache Cayenne Object Relational Mapping."— Presentation transcript:

1 a digital commerce consultancy san francisco ~ new york ~ london ~ chişinău ~ guadalajara Apache Cayenne Object Relational Mapping

2 What is ORM? ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping. It is a technique that creates an object oriented data model on top of a Relational Database.

3 Persistence Persistence means that the data used in a software application survives the application process. In other words, once you stop using or close the application the data will remain stored in a (relational) database. In Java terms, we would like the state of some of our objects to live beyond the JVM so that the same state is available later.

4 Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch Impedance mismatch refers to the structural differences between a Relational Database and an Object Oriented Database. In order to do the mapping between both, we must overcome the following problems: – Granularity. – Subtypes (Inheritance). – Identities. – Associations. – Access to the information.

5 Frameworks for ORM Hibernate. EclipseLink. Data Knowledge Objects. jOOQ. Enterprise Java Beans EJB3. Apache Cayenne.

6 Prerequisites Have already installed: – Java 7. – Eclipse EE with Maven plugin. – Install any *AMP server or MySQL from scratch. – Apache Cayenne Modeler 3.0 version. – MySQL JDBC driver. It is important to have the required versions because there are syntax changes from version to version.

7 Getting Started The next step is to follow the Getting Started tutorial from the Cayenne website: We are going to build a simple web application that has this database design:

8 Hands On 1.Create a Maven Project in Eclipse. – File > New > Project > Other > Maven > Maven Project > Simple project – Group Id: org.example.cayenne – Artifact Id: tutorial 2.Create a Cayenne Modeler Project. –New Project > Project –DataDomain Name > datadomain 3.Create a MySQL database in PHPMyAdmin –Start the Apache and MySQL servers – Open PHPMyAdmin –Databases > testdb > Create

9 Cayenne Modeler New Project > Project Create Data Node > datanode – Datanode Name: datanode – JDBC Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver – DB URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/testdb (port might change) – User: root – Password: Create DataMap – DataMap Name: datamap – DataNode: datanode – Java Package: org.example.cayenne.persistent – Save the project in: tutorial/src/main/resources

10 Cayenne Modeler Create the database tables: –datamap > Create DB Entity –Name: ARTIST –Create Attribute: ID, INTEGER, PK –Repeat the steps for the Painting and Gallery tables. Create relations between tables: – Select DB Entity ARTIST. – Select Relationships and Create Relationship. – Target: Painting. – Select Database Mapping. Relationship: PAINTING; Reverse: ARTIST; Source: ID; Target: ARTIST_ID – In the paintings relation from ARTIST select To Many. – In the artist relation from PAINTING unselect To Many. – Repeat the same process for the GALLERY to PAINTING relation.

11 Cayenne Modeler Create entities for class generation: – Right click on ARTIST and click CREATE OBJECT ENTITY. – Select the generated object and click synchronize relationships. Generate Java Classes: – Tools > Generate Classes – Output Directory: tutorial/src/main/java – Classes > Check All Classes – Generate

12 Eclipse Refresh the workspace and solve the dependencies: – Refresh (F5). – Edit the file pom.xml to look like in the following link: –

13 Cayenne Modeler Generate the Database Schema: – Tools > Preferences > ClassPath > Add Jar and select the JAR file for MySQL Connector J – Tools > Generate Database Schema. – Username: root – Password:

14 Eclipse Create Main class in the org.example.cayenne package. – – Add the MySQL J Connector dependency to the pom.xml file. – Refer to the following page in the tutorial: – – Add the setDateOfBirth method to – In the Main class, write the code to add one painter, two paintings and one gallery. – Run the code and check the results in phpMyAdmin. – Then try the delete rules proposed in the tutorial: –

15 Eclipse Go to in order to convert our Applcation it into a Web Application: – Create the folder src/main/webapp/WEB-INF – Create the file web.xml into src/main/webapp/WEB-INF – Create the file webapp/index.jsp – Create the file webapp/detail.jsp – Add the dependencies of maven-jetty-plugin to the pom.xml Create an execution configuration for Maven: – Run > Run Configurations > Maven Build > New – Name: cayenne-tutorial – Base directory: ${workspace_loc:/tutorial} – Goals: jetty:run – Apply > Run – Go to http://localhost:8080/tutorial/ – Enhance your web application so it can add paintings to an artist.

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