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By Minesh Katakia 11G. This quiz involves the meaning of health and exercise as part of the “Get, up Get moving” campaign this campaign is to encourage.

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Presentation on theme: "By Minesh Katakia 11G. This quiz involves the meaning of health and exercise as part of the “Get, up Get moving” campaign this campaign is to encourage."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Minesh Katakia 11G

2 This quiz involves the meaning of health and exercise as part of the “Get, up Get moving” campaign this campaign is to encourage people to get more active and to think about their diet. There are 10 questions in this quiz and no more You will be asked to repeat the question if incorrect to learn on mistakes. After each correct answer you will be presented with feedback and useful knowledge Note this Quiz is not timed Click To Continue Instructions

3 Body Mass Index What Does BMI Denote ? Body Muscle Index An Airline Company

4 This Chart To The Right Tells You Which Category You Are In! BMI is Body Mass Index. It is a measure of someone's weight in relation to height. Question 2

5 Do exercises that target that area of the body Lose overall body fat and hope your genes cooperate Do an hour of cardio exercise every day To lose fat from specific areas of the body, you must:

6 Yes its right you cant just do exercise for that particular need area you have to exercise the whole body and lose fat that way I’m afraid! Question 3

7 Exercise at a higher intensity Use hand or ankle weights to add intensity Exercise on an empty stomach When doing cardio exercise, the best way to burn more calories is too:

8 Working at a higher intensity in general makes the muscles work more harder and intensively this means they get fatigued faster (ie.ript) increasing metabolism. Question 4

9 Build bigger muscles Lengthen the muscles of the body Improve flexibility, balance and posture By doing yoga exercises, you can :

10 Question 5 By doing yoga you open yourself up to gaining balance posture, and improved flexibility of arms and legs this is because you are really working the muscles to the limit whilst remaining calm and relaxed!

11 Do regular cardio and strength training and monitor your calories Walk for 20 minutes a day Go on a diet To lose weight and change the shape of your body, you should:

12 Question 6 Yes it may seem hard to understand but exercising for one day might not cut it you have to have a habit and routine that you stick to and abide by to be successful.

13 Walking fast Water aerobics Riding a bike on level ground or with few hills Doubles tennis Riding a bike fast or on hills Singles tennis Football Rugby Carrying or moving heavy loads such as groceries Activities that involve stepping such as dancing Heavy gardening, such as digging or shovelling What counts as moderate-intensity aerobic activity for the Middle aged(18-64)

14 Question 7 Yes you need to do exercises that are not the norm such as swimming at your local, tennis with mates etc. Doing the shopping run wont cut it I'm afraid.

15 TRUE FALSE Does muscle weigh more than fat?

16 Question 8 You might be thinking what?!, but if you think about it a you will always have more fat than muscles because you need to work out to get muscles that actually cause a change in weight of one but even this wont exceed the fat percentage. Fat stores are very useful this is why!

17 Cycling Down-Hill Fishing 100m Sprint Which one of the following activities burns the most calories ?

18 Question 9 Cycling downhill does not require any energy as gravity is acting on your side. Fishing requires no energy until you get a catch. And a 100m sprint is all about the rapid burst of energy in the starting seconds hence why it’s the most energy consuming sport of the three.

19 Fishing Athletics Hiking Which one of the following activities burns the least calories ?

20 Question 10 Again fishing seems obvious don’t it, studies show that people like to be involved in more energy based sports such as football, volleyball and all the rest you can imagine this is because of how the brain works!

21 5 out of 10 4 out of 10 3 out of 10 How many people in the UK do enough exercise to keep their heart healthy and functioning efficiently?

22 End Of Quiz - Results I know right this is bonkers people need to Get Up And Get Moving immediately! But this statistic is true and people need to do something about it urgently.

23 Finish Hope to see you soon check out our website for more details on the campaign and on how to get involved. So what are you waiting for! Get up and Get Moving !

24 Try again Wrong!

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