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AP US History Unit 10 1920’s & Great Depression. Seeing Red  The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia caused a spread of Communism to the United States.

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1 AP US History Unit 10 1920’s & Great Depression

2 Seeing Red  The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia caused a spread of Communism to the United States.  This caused a “red scare” in 1919- 1920 in the United States.  A crusade was organized to rid the country of all political radicals and socialists.  Much of the labor protests were blamed on the Communists.  The labor unions were behind the protests so in turn labor unions = communism.  The American Plan was an anti- union campaign.  Unions took on an anti-American sentiment in society.

3 Anti-Foreign Sentiment Spreads  Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti both Italians, atheists, anarchists, and draft dodgers.  Accused and convicted of murder.  Sentenced to death by electrocution in 1927.  Highly controversial case because of prejudice against foreigners by the judge and

4 Resurgence of the KKK  Early 1920’s  Anti…..foreign, Catholic, black, Jewish, pacifist, Communist, evolutionist, bootlegger, gambling, adultery, birth control.  Pro-Anglo Saxon and Protestant faith.  Ultra-conservative.  Blazing cross was trademark. Blazing cross  Beatings, tar and feathers, lynching.

5 Limiting Immigration  Immigration Act of 1924 Immigration Act of 1924  2% of the people of a specific nationality, who had been living in the United States in 1890, were only permitted to enter the United States annually.  No Japanese allowed at all.  Canadians and Latin Americans exempt.  Marked the end of unrestricted immigration to the United States.  Caused the growth of ethnic communities.  Limited organizing of labor unions in industry due to the language barrier.

6 Prohibition: “Jazz Age”  18 th Amendment (1919)  Supported by churches, women, the South, and West.  Opposed by the big cities in the East.  Sounds good in theory but had drastic social consequences that hurt the American people and image.

7 Difficulties in Enforcement  Federal Agencies were understaffed, susceptible to bribery, and underpaid.  Home made liquor was more dangerous due to its strength of alcoholic content.  Caused the organized crime of “bootlegging” and “raketeering” of selling/smuggling alcohol to “speakeasies”.

8 Violence in the Cities  Gang wars erupted in the 1920’s.  Chicago was a hot spot for such violence.  1925 “Scarface” Al Capone was a notorious gangster allegedly behind the cold-blooded massacre of St. Valentine’s Day in 1929. Capone

9 Rise of “Speakeasies”  The underground taverns and bars.bars  A password was required to enter.  Alcohol was brought in through garden hoses.  “Flappers” and gangsters were common.

10 Loss of Morality in Society and Education  The “Monkey Trial”“Monkey Trial”  John Scopes  1925  Science teacher in Tennessee  Indicted for teaching the theory of evolution  Scopes found guilty and fined $100.  Major victory for religious fundamentalism.

11 Consumerism and Advertising  The early 1920’s was a period of widespread prosperity which led to irresponsible spending.  Consumers were influenced by a new industry called advertising and marketing. Consumers  “Sex sells” and other ploys making consumers feel as though they need their product.  Assembly line production made goods cheaper and more affordable for the “average Joe”.

12 Sports and Entertainment  As working hours were reduced and families gained access to radios and televisions sporting events became a popular leisure activities. sporting events  Baseball and Boxing were among the most popular sports in the 1920’s.

13 Transportation Innovations  Henry Ford’s “Model T”  The mass production of automobiles creates a higher demand for gasoline.  It also created other industries for rubber, glass, fabrics, roads, service stations, and mechanics.  Air travel was becoming a new mode of transportation. In 1927, Charles Lindbergh flies the first east to west flight over the Atlantic from NY to

14 Wall Street  Real Estate speculation running wild  Appraising houses for more than what they’re worth.  People buy stocks “on margin” (with loans) with hopes of getting more back from the market than owed on loan amount.  Huge national debt from WWI.  High tax rates discouraged businesses from growing and so they gave tax breaks to the wealthy and put the burden on the middle class.  Eventually the bubble burst and it all came crashing down in March of 1929.bubble burst

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