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12.5 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea

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1 12.5 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia and Korea
Several smaller kingdoms prosper in East and Southeast Asia, a region culturally influenced by China and India.

2 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
Geography of Southeast Asia Area between Indian and Pacific Oceans, includes mainland and islands. Five major rivers on mainland, but mountains make travel difficult. Key to power in region is control of trade routes and harbors.

3 Built in the 1100s, Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious structure. The temple at Borobudur has 92 statues of Buddha on its top level.

4 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
Influence of India and China Indian traders arrive in first century A.D.; bring Buddhism, Hinduism. Indian influence remains today. Chinese migrants and traders bring Chinese influence.

5 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
The Khmer Empire By 800s the Khmer conquers kingdoms, creates an empire. Khmer Empire (now Cambodia) controls Southeast Asian mainland. Rulers build temple complexes in capital, Angkor. Angkor Wat—square mile complex dedicated to Hindu god Vishnu.

6 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
Island Trading Kingdoms Sailendra dynasty rules on Java; its culture shows Indian influence. Island empire Srivijaya dominated area from 600s to 1200s.

7 Kingdoms of Southeast Asia
Dai Viet During Han Dynasty, China controls Southeast Asia. Vietnam becomes an independent kingdom, Dai Viet, in 939. Influenced by Chinese culture: Buddhism, government. Keep own cultural identity; women have some independence. Ly Dynasty (1009–1225) establishes capital at Hanoi.

8 Korean Dynasties Korean Culture Geography of Korea
Combines Chinese culture with native traditions Geography of Korea Peninsula with little arable land; mountains and seas isolate it.

9 Korean Dynasties Early History
Different clans control areas; in108 B.C., Han China conquers Korea Chinese introduce governing method, religions, system of writing Regional powers arise; the Silla defeats others, drives out Chinese Silla rule: Buddhist monasteries, bronze sculptures, writing system

10 Korean Dynasties The Koryu Dynasty
In 935, Wang Kon takes control, forms Koryu Dynasty, rules to 1392 Models government on China’s civil service system, with differences Mongols dominate Korea from 1231 to 1360s In 1392, scholar-officials overthrow Koryu Dynasty

11 Korean Dynasties Koryu Culture
Inspired by Song artists; Korean artists produce celadon pottery Korean artisans produce wood blocks for printing Buddhist scriptures

12 Modern Connection: Two Koreas
Since the end of World War II, Korea has been arbitrarily divided into two countries—communist North Korea and democratic South Korea. For years, many Koreans longed for their country to be reunited. Hopes for such a day rose in 2000 when the presidents of the two nations sat down to discuss reunification. In 2002, however, North Korea announced that it was developing nuclear weapons and would use them against South Korea if necessary. This greatly dimmed people’s hopes for one Korea.

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